Chapter 2

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Autumn lifts her head off of his shoulder, an eyebrow raised. "Really?" She asks but it comes out soft, almost like a whisper. Tony nods. "Thank you, sir, you won't regret it."

"Dad." He corrects her. Her eyebrow raises even higher. "You're my daughter, aren't you?" She nods. "Then I think you can call me dad." Her lips pull into a smile.

"Dad it is." She agrees.

"Why don't you grab your stuff from your car and start unpacking?" He suggests. "I'll calm things down here and then we can have family bonding time with the Avengers." She laughs softly. Tony smiles, pulling away from his daughter.

She makes her way to the elevator and climbs inside. "Which room will be mine?" She asks before the doors close.

"JARVIS will take you to an empty floor." He promises. Autumn gasps.

"Oh I don't-" She starts but is cut off by the doors closing. "-need a whole floor." She continues quietly before sighing, blowing a strand of her brown hair out of her face. The elevator takes her the garage first where she grabs the one and only box of her stuff out of the trunk before heading back to the elevator; this time it takes her to an empty living space equipped with a kitchenette, two bathrooms, a living room, and a master bedroom. When the elevator stops for a second time, Autumn walks out and heads into the bedroom.

She starts taking her things out of the box, setting them on the bed around her. The small amount of clothes she has were put in the closet and the pictures (which took up most of the space in the box) are set on the bedside tables. She pauses when she pulls out a picture of herself and Vanessa before aliens came flying out of the sky. Vanessa had decided to take Autumn to a concert for her graduation (she had gotten backstage passes from a friend). Autumn was so excited just to get tickets that when she managed to get a picture with the lead singer, she nearly passed out. Her thumb brushes over the corner of the picture. None of this matters to her anymore only that this is the last picture she will ever take with her mother again. A tear hits the glass. She wipes at her face, placing the picture as close to the bed as she possibly can.

With everything out of the box, Autumn sits on her bed and pulls out her phone, texting her best and only friend that she wouldn't be coming over. Without waiting for a response, she stands from the bed and makes her way back downstairs. It appears her father has succeeded in calming the Avengers down because they are no longer yelling when she steps out of the elevator. However, the room grows quiet as she makes her way over to everyone.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asks softly.

Natasha shakes her head. "No, you did nothing wrong, sweetheart." She assures the young brunette. "Did you unpack everything?" Autumn nods. Natasha's brows furrow. "You sure?" Autumn nods again.

"Most of my stuff was destroyed." She turns to Thor. "Your brother kinda did a number on our apartment complex." She admits. "Including-" She looks to the ground. "-my mother." The rest of the Avengers look to each other, a mix of shock and regret clear on their faces. Thor closes his eyes and grimaces.

"May I sincerely apologize for my brother's behavior." He says then bows. Autumn's cheeks turn pink from embarrassment.

"Oh, there's no need for the bowing." She tells him. "But the apology was nice. Thanks." He looks up at her before standing straight.

"If you say so." He extends his hand instead. Hesitantly, Autumn accepts his hand, thinking he was going for a handshake. Instead, he brings her hand to his lips and presses a kiss to her knuckles. "I am Thor as you might have already known. Pleasure meeting you, Lady Autumn of the Stark household." Autumn's cheeks turn an even brighter shade of pink.

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