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December 31, 2021
Mont Real, Quebec, Canada
2:15 AM

Thinking back to last year, Jimin never thought he'd be in the situation he's in at the moment. Through the entire flight, his mind kept wondering if things would have been different if he'd never met Yoongi again.

Would he still be living a lie with Hoseok?

Would he still be able to do ballet?

Would he still be in Seoul?

Would he still be feeling happy even through the toughest times?

The answer is given to him by a small snore that comes from the body laying next to him.

No. He wouldn't be. Because Yoongi has always been the only one able to bring him true happiness. The type of happiness that never fades even if they were to live under a bridge. The type of happiness that tells him that he will be okay, no matter what fucked up things life decides to throw their way. The type of happiness that only comes through him.

Since his career ending incident, Jimin has never given it a complete thought. He lays on his side facing the beautiful man sleeping soundly next to him, he can't help but reminisce.

He wonders if Yoongi is still as beautiful as he remembers him being, if his tattoos are still as colorful as they were 5 years ago. He remembers Yoongi showing him his very first tattoo that somehow ended up looking like a pokemon instead of a dragon, then he remembers the time he accompanied him when he got a rose for his mother.

His mother.

He remembers how Yoongi shut everyone out when his mother died. He feels like shit when he thinks about all the shit he's put him through. How Yoongi always tried his best even though everyone always thought the worse of him. How much of a hard worker he is all for the sake of what's left of his small family. He thinks back to how much he missed him when he left and then he thinks of how much he's done for him ever since they met again.

How Yoongi told him how much of a great dancer he was, and how beautiful he looked when he spun around at the sound of his piano when they practiced late in the night. How he looks at him when he's about to kiss him and just the fact that he wears his heart on his sleeve, genuine and willing to let him in again.

Jimin thought he loved him back in college, but his feelings now cannot be compared to how he felt then. Jimin is utterly, completely enchanted by him.

Jimin never felt so much at home as he does now that he's laying across from him.

He sighs and carefully lifts a hand to caress the pale man's cheek

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He sighs and carefully lifts a hand to caress the pale man's cheek. It's soft, like velvet. He blinks owlishly and traces his soft features with the tip of his fingers.

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