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April 25, 2021
Seoul, South Korea
7:48 PM

Two weeks since he left, and Jimin's yet to receive a call. He holds on dearly to the musician's word, gossip's spread around the academy, and at this point everyone knows that Min Yoongi is gone and therefore everyone has to work with whatever they can find. They no longer have a personal music producer willing to compose something that specifically meets their needs. Everyone is upset because they have to work even harder, Jimin on the other hand, is upset because he hasn't heard a word from him.

One week is acceptable, he thinks. But two weeks is outrageous. He's beginning to lose hope, though when negative thoughts invade his head, he choses to get rid of it by immersing his thoughts in his dance. He's one of the few dancer's who has a completed song and he really wants to take advantage of it. He's been slacking off, missing classes and eating unhealthy meals. He knows it's not right to throw away everything he's worked all his life for, for something so stupid, so he reminds himself what his goal is.

He ruined his audition for Don Quixote, he doesn't want to ruin it again with the upcoming auditions. There will be directors selecting dancers for Cinderalla, Swan Lake, and even the Nutcracker. He wants to aim for the best, so that's what he does.

He'd arrived late to class, a little past 9 in the morning and he feels that he needs to make up for being a few minutes late, he choses to stay 'til the evening. Repeating the same routines, the same spins and the same jumps, he almost forgets to eat if it wasn't for a fellow dancer who offered him an oatmeal bar. Once he finished eating and making sure to drink a lot of water, he went straight back to his exercise.

Now it's almost 8 in the evening and the room is completely empty, Jimin allows himself to stop, and sits down on the floor, legs outstretched in a 180 degree angle, hand reaching over to the tip of his toes, and holding the position for a good minute, he follows the same step with the other leg, thinking that maybe it would help cooling down his muscles.

When he finishes cooling down, he bends his knee over his other leg, and begins to unwrap his shoes. He removes the thick lining and stares at his toes with a frown on his face. It seems that slacking off does quite a number on his feet. They are scarlet red, bruised on the side with bleeding blisters on the outer part. He sighs and stretches his toes carefully, to be honest, he doesn't know if he will be able to walk back home.

Hesitantly getting up, he gathers his belongings, slipping on some slippers and slinging his shoes around his neck, then grabs his duffel bag. His cellphone has been off the entire day, so he takes a seat on the bench as the phone starts booting up. Once the phone turns on, the notifications start going off. Most of them are from Taehyung, asking if he has eaten. There's one from Hoseok, just checking up with him. There's nothing from Yoongi, and Jimin feels like crying.

He puts his feelings aside and heads home.

April 24, 2021
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
11:30 PM

It was inevitable, after finding out his sister had been a victim of peer pressure resulting in attempted rape and leading to attempting suicide, Yoongi knew he had failed. Moving back to Canada from New York was his best shot, he felt that his sisters wouldn't feel too lonely if some family was around, so after getting everything sorted out with the school, the police and the hospital, Yoongi started taking all the necessary steps to move.

He felt miserable, constantly blaming himself for everything that happened, so many what if replayed in his head, thinking that maybe if he would have been around, maybe everything would have been prevented.

He picks up the box from the moving truck and walks over to their old family home, taking the stairs up to the second floor and entering Hye Rin's room, he can't help the sadness that creeps up within him as he remembers the events of the last two weeks.

He remembers storming into the hospital room with Hye Jin in his arms, only to find the young woman laying on the white bed, sleeping soundly.

Tears threaten to fall when the vivid image of the cuts and bruises on his sister's hands and legs, how the girl who always gave him sass in return, looked completely lifeless. He shakes his head, not wanting to picture it ever again.

They spent 5 days in the hospital, running tests and making sure the girl was mentally stable to be discharged. The doctor suggested visiting a psychologist, and a family therapist. Although the girl disagreed, and apologized a million times, telling him she wouldn't do it again, Yoongi didn't hesitate on setting up an appointment with he doctors.

The week went by like that, everyone trying to move on from the terrible events, and trying to live life as normally as they would. Yoongi had so much going on at once, that he didn't realize how fast time went by, when he began to think about Jimin .

He set the box down on the bed and fished his cellphone out of his pocket, he wondered ifJimin would pick up, doing the math and realizing it was probably very late in Seoul, he put the phone back in his pocket, and told himself he'd call later, when Jimin is actually awake.

His day went on like that, transferring boxes from the truck and organizing things inside the house. Though Hye Rin had experienced such a bad thing, she was taking it rather well. She helped out around the house and around midnight, almost everything was put away.

Hye Jin had gone to sleep since a long time ago, it was only them two in the living room, both eating a bowl of cereal.

Yoongi hadn't asked a lot about what happened, he didn't want to push her, he wanted her to open up on her own, and trust him.

"Rin-ah," At the name, the girl lifted her head from looking down, and stared at her brother, shame written in bold letters across her eyes.

"Don't ever do that again, you hear me?" his voice wasn't loud, or angry.

"You're my rock, I need you here, with me. You mean so much to me, I don't want to lose you. Ever." The girl's eyes watered at his words, the cereal long forgotten on her lap.

"I love you, okay?" He sighed, "You and Hye Jin-ah mean the world to me."

"I'm sorry," her voice was small, but it was there, "You've been so busy, I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to take care of myself,"

"It doesn't matter how busy I am, if you need me, you come first. You will never be a burden, okay? Why do you think I'm here? I'm your brother, I'm the one who's suppose to take care of you. You have me! Depend on me! That's the least I can do for you," he wanted to cry.

"Okay," she stood up and took her bowl into the kitchen sink. Yoongi went after her, taking his own bowl, and hugging her afterwards, "I'm sorry if I made you feel that way sweetie, I don't want you to ever get hurt. Trust in me okay? You have me, don't worry about anything else," he felt her thin arms wrap around his torso, her hands gripping tightly onto his shirt.

"I'm sorry," she cried, "I missed you so much oppa," Yoongi closed his eyes, hugging her closer, right hand petting her hair in a soothing motion, "I'm here darling, I'm right here. I'll always be here."

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