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April 11, 2021
Seoul, South Korea
6:00 PM

Life is a bitch, and Yoongi knows it better than anyone else. Life has taught him that his world could shatter in a mere second, that one minute late can make a difference between life and death, that one wrong decision can change his entire future. He also knows that life is unfair, that he should live life as if he's walking on eggshells, that every little mistake makes a big difference, and also, that he can't protect everyone, no matter how much he tries.

He holds the cellphone in his hand. His throat feels dry, and his hands shake as he tries to organize his thoughts. Hundreds of things cross his mind, but the only thing he can do is just wait.

Jimin looks petrified, he doesn't know the details but he kind of gets an idea. He can't help getting a sense of deja vu, he's been in this situation before and he's honestly afraid. He's worried for Yoongi's sister , but he fears for himself too. He knows its selfish, but he doesn't know what he will do if Yoongi shuts him out yet again.

He reaches out to Yoongi's shaky hands and interlaces their fingers together. He bites his lip and tears begin to swell in his eyes, he knows his voice is small, but its loud enough for him to hear, "Is everything okay?"

Yoongi raises his head and stares deeply into his brown eyes, Jimin doesn't need words to know the answer. He stays quiet, hoping that he'd tell him more, and Yoongi must have gotten the hint because he does. He tells him who it was, what was said and what he feels. He tells him with such a delicate voice that breaks Jimin 's heart in a million pieces.

Jimin asks if she's okay and that seems to trigger something in Yoongi's heart because he breaks down into quiet sobs. Jimin stands up from his spot and sits next to him, his arms wrap around the blonde's fragile body and hugs him, he whispers comforting words into his ear even though he knows they won't do anything to make the situation better.

They stay that way for several minutes until the ringtone of his phone breaks through his sobs, and he picks up immediately.

Jimin continues to grip Yoongi's hand while he speaks on the phone. He really doesn't want to listen to the voice on the other side of the phone but considering the eery silence in the apartment, some words just can't be missed.






Jimin sucks in a breath and the dam breaks. All those selfish thoughts dissipate like smoke, they are long gone and he left selfless.

Yoongi  is still on the phone but wraps his arm around Jimin's shaking shoulders, pulling him closer to his side. Jimin cries even harder, hiding his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck. When the call ends, Yoongi spins around to hug him even tighter.

"She's not okay," he cries, he hooks his chin on Jimin shoulder, "They said she tried to jump off the bridge," Jimin cries even harder.

"She needs me," Jimin sobs, he knows where this is going to but he doesn't need to hear it, he doesn't want t0 hear it.

"I have to go," Yoongi's full on crying, "I booked a plane ticket for tonight." Jimin stirs and releases him from his hold, he stares at Yoongi's swollen face, and tries his best to put on a smile.

He fails.

Tears roll down his red stained cheeks instead, "I don't want you to go," he whispers.

Yoongi doesn't respond, instead, he lifts his hand and wipes away the tears from Jimin's eyes, slowly caressing his jaw and his small red nose, Jimin closes his eyes at the contact, and another tear escapes the corner of his eye. Yoongi traces the shape of Jimin's face like if it's made out of glass, he traces the slope of his nose down to the shape of his lips, then leans forward to leave a soft press of his lips on Jimin's forehead.

"I have to," Jimin knows that.

"I know you do,"

"I'm gonna come back for you," Jimin nods.

"I won't make the same mistake again baby," he nods again and kisses Yoongi's lips softly. He can taste the salt from his dried tears on his lips, but he doesn't mind.

"I don't want to lose you again,"

"You won't baby,"

"I'm scared."

"You don't need to be scared,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"For wanting you to stay when someone else needs you more,"

"It's okay,"

"I'm selfish,"

"You're just afraid. It's okay, I'm afraid too, but it's my sister and I promised mom I'd take care of her. I failed her, I've been too focused on myself that I forgot about her,"

"You've been doing your best, you're working hard for them, your mom would be so proud of you. I am proud of you hyung,"

"You're an angel Jimin,"

Jimin doesn't respond and instead just rests his head on Yoongi's shoulder. It's 7 PM and Yoongi's  plane leaves at midnight, there's only a few more hours before he has to say goodbye to him, and he wants to make it worth it.

Hye Jin walks in with a blanket, she's been asleep the entire time and she doesn't understand why everything in their room is suddenly in suitcases, she doesn't understand why both were crying, and when Yoongi tells her that they are going back to the U.S. she can't help smiling because she will get to see her sister and her aunt and her friends from school.

Yoongi envies her in a way, he sometimes wishes he was a child who had no idea of how cruel life could be. He doesn't explain to her anything else, instead, motions her to sit next to him in the couch. All three of them remain in silence, Jimin tries to engrave this moment in his heart.


April 12, 2021
Seoul, South Korea
3:30 AM

Jimin lays on the cold bed only holding on to the promise Yoongi made.

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