Chapter 12 ~Spirits~

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We stood in silence for a while, holding to each other, my tears long gone, I took my hand away from his forehead, he placed his in my cheek, slowly caressing it.

I took his hand,his scales were a bit strange to the touch, but the feeling was soon replace with a spark when our eyes locked, gold collided with (e/c), without noticing our faces started to get closer with every passing second.

We were so close that our lips almost touched, but (F/n) jumped out of their hiding spot, quickly taking a fighting stance, growling at something behind the trees .

I blushed realizing what almost happened, turning my entire attention to the thing behind the trees in embarrassment, something was coming, soft footsteps were heard thanks to the crunching of the leaves.

Red pinkish eyes were glowing in the dark, suddenly that thing jumped out, an enormous black wolf, even bigger than Sidon ,it looked like Lyra, but the markings weren't the same tone as hers.

It started walking towards (F/n), who decided to attack, the wolf effortlessly blocked their attack, making them roll a bit in the ground, they stood there for a while before standing again.

The wolf tried to attack us, but Sidon reacted fast protecting me, he started to fight the wolf. I stood there motionless, watching him fight, something about the wolf seemed weird, the only wolf around was Lyra. I don't have the slightly idea of how it got here.

I could hear the fight, but my eyes were fixed on the wolf, studying each movement it did, the differences between it and Lyra were only the color of the fur and the eyes. As it moved, I took notice of something in it's chest, a strange gem was there, it radiated evil.

Something clicked, the thing that killed everyone absorbed the people, maybe it possessed Lyra...
That would make sense, if so, that gem may have something to do with it.

I got out of my mind when I heard a cry of pain, I fixed my eyes on them, noticing the wound on the wolf's forehead, Sidon successfully attacked, but that made the wolf angrier.

I jumped between them using magic to shielding us. We continued to fight, I try to aim at the gem but it blocked each blow, (F/n) jumped at the wolf's head, scratching all they could before it smashed them into a tree, injuring them, to the point they couldn't stand again.

We continued to fight, but my magic wasn't as powerful anymore, my movements were more erratic, I started to feel the pain (F/n) was in, I couldn't focus, the pain was so intense...

The wolf threw me away with it's paw, more pain echoed throughout my body, I could barely hear Sidon's voice calling for me, I saw the moment when the wolf sent Sidon flying away a few meters away.

It walked back, before running towards him, a shot of adrenaline flowed in my body, making me take the spear and run at full speed, I saw in slow motion how the wolf jumped and opened it's jaws.

As fast as I could I kneeled and aimed the spear at it's chest, I saw the jaws of the wolf in my face, I closed my eyes waiting. I felt pressure in the spear, and something breaking, I opened my eyes and moved the spear to the side.

I looked to that side to find the spear piercing the wolf, I turned to see Sidon, the adrenaline going away, some bruises here and there but nothing more.

A feeling of tiredness filled my body, I slowly placed my head against Sidon's chest,  his heart beat was steady, I closed my eyes, feeling his arm around me.

-Thank you, love- He said, his voice was low, almost a whisper.

- I'm sorry, If I was stronger, you would be alright.-

- In the end, you were the one who saved me- He responded, but before I could say anything a light interrupted me.

Two figures were forming, the outline indicated it was a female and something else. Soon the light disappeared, a familiar mop of black curls was the first thing I pointed. I didn't need anything else to know who it was.

-Erian...- I whispered, crawling towards her, I took her head and placed it on my lap, her eyes started to open slowly.

- (Y... (Y/N)...- her voice was breaking, soon her eyes were wide opened, she slowly took a sitting position.

Her eyes soon rested on me, she must have taken notice on my drained state, because her eyes widened and let out a small gasp, her fingers made their way to my forehead and familar warmness filled my body, the tiredness slowly started to fade away along with the pain.

The feeling was replaced by a soft embrace, and soft sobbing in my shoulder, I returned the embrace with the same softness.

- I thought you were dead- I whispered.

She looked up, cupping my face, with a sad smile and a few tears rolling down, she answered.

-My dear... I am...-


Sorry for taking so long!! And also sorry if it sucks, bit I don't know how to write fights...

Thanks for all the comments and votes!!

See you in the next update!!( =①ω①=)

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