Chapter two ~Danger~

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The road was visible and clear to follow, but I don't remember where it takes.

-Should we continue?, I don't know where it will take us...-

-Follow river Hylia, you will be able to meet him there...-

-Are you even okay??!!- No answer at all.- Well I suppose we should follow the river as Zelda said-

As I walked I saw many guardians, but they were deactivated, luckily, fight against those things was dangerous and hard, one blow and you are surely dead.

Also many camps were around but the enemies were there, a bridge crossed my path, there was a citizen there walking from one side to another, maybe I should ask why... And also if he had seen Link nearby...

-Ummm... Escuse me!!, Have you seen a blond guy around? He has blue eyes and is slightly taller than me...-

-Yes, I had he was following the road- the man answered.

-Thank you! And... Do you mind me asking what are you doing?- I continued.

-Just keeping an eye on those guardians, some are still active, so it wouldn't be a surprise if one suddenly woke up -

-Well, please be careful, and thank you again for your help-

-You are welcome young lady, and be careful too, there are monsters everywhere.-

I walked out of the bridge and continued walking to the direction indicated by the man.

Suddenly I stopped, I was feeling a bit hungry... Maybe eating something and pick up some food for later would be nice.
I looked over to the lake were some fish were swimming around.

-Do you want fish?- I asked (F/N), (he/she) didn't seemed convinced.

-Do you want me to hunt something?- I asked again, (F/N) looked over a group of deer that was near, and (he/she) turned to me again.

-Fancy fox ,aren't you?- I proceeded slowly towards the nearest deer, this would be easier if I had a bow but, where is the fun when you got one?, I transformed myself into a fox, similar to (F/N) but bigger, and with (e/c), then slowly I got closer and closer, he didn't hear me, so I jumped into him, scaring the others away, but killing this one.
I turned back into a human and said -Thank you for the food, great deer, may your soul be with the goddess- The spirit of said animal started jumping away until it disappeared, being a sorceress that's one of the most beautiful things you can see, but it is sad at the same time.

I walked back to the pot, and started cooking some of the meat, leaving some uncooked pieces for (F/N), when I finished cooking, we started eating.

-This is good, I really missed food, and asuch as I'd like to stay and rest here all day, we can't, we should continue.-

I standed up and cleaned my pants a little from the dust, gathered the rest of the meat and some fruits I collected earlier.

-Come on (F/N)-

~Time skip~

After a while the fox started walking in front of me playing with a butterfly, the insect playing a little as well, fluttering and stopping right on top of (F/N)'s nose.

We have passed lots of people, places, ruins, all the great civilization Hyrule was once, it saddened me a bit, but I'm happy people are okay.

Yet there are many monsters, we have to fight some of them that where in our path, more powerful ones are appearing more frequently, so its getting a little harder.

No one have seen Link so far, and I'm getting worried, what if I'm not going in the right direction, maybe it wasn't a good idea to take short cuts. Here is the situation, Zelda told me to follow river Hylia, and as far as I know the only civilization that is all way up are the Zora, so if she wants me to go there why not taking short cuts?

-Huh?- Great more monsters, 4 red bokoblins, PFF nothing to worry about.

A shield and a sword appeared in my hands, as they are made of my magic they are more durable, I approached them silently, they don't seem to notice, I looked back to find (F/N) still playing with the butterfly, with my attention back to the bokoblins, I jumped out of my hiding spot and attacked them, 2 down, 2 more to go, they prepared they weapons and ran towards me, using my shield I made one of them loose their balance, as fast as I could I stabbed it, the other one got up and attempted to strike me, I deflected his attack and killed it.

The sword and shield disappeared, and I sat down to catch my breath.

-I'm so out of shape...- I looked over (F/N), the butterfly was on top of his nose, and (he/she) was staring so focused at it, (he/she) looked so cute! I'd love to have a camera right now!

-Come (F/N), We have to continue!- (he/she) stopped sating at the butterfly and ran my way, the butterfly fluttering away.

We arrived at the bridge, the first one of the many bridges,it was raining non stop and there were a few monsters, some of them with electrical powers, so I made my sword appear again .

- Ready?- I asked (F/N), (he/she) nodded and got ready to attack just in case we needed.

We started going throughout the bridges, killing all the monsters that approached us, until we got to a bridge where no monsters were seen.
We stopped there to rest for a few minutes, we weren't damaged just a few scratches from lizalfos, but nothing that could kill us.

The weird thing is that, since we arrived it hasn't stopped raining, it made my sight short, it was heavy raining, not so natural.

A groan took me out of my thoughts, a black moblin, was there a few steps from me, I took out my sword and shield, attacking it, (F/N) joining.

It managed to hit me a few times, successfully hurting me, but not enough to kill me, (F/N) jumped-attacked him, but the mobling gave (F/N) a strong blow with his weapon, knocking (him/her) a fair distance.

-(F/N)!!- I shouted, I ran to (him/her), I have to protect (him/her).The moblin started walking towards us, I got in front of (F/N) and standed there ready to attack.

The moblin hit me a few times, I was seriously wounded and so was (F/N). With the small amount of strength I had, I attacked it, he fell dead.

I collapsed right there, the pain slowly filling my system, even breathing hurted, I took (F/N) into my arms, (his/her) breathing was unsteady, and (she/he) was unconscious, (she/he) had a few broken ribs, and some wounds were bleeding.

I embraced (his/her) small body,I started to loose consciousness, my hearing disappeared and my vision was blurry, but I saw a figure approaching fast... He was hylian for sure...

When he was near my vision got totally black and I fell unconscious.

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