Reality {6}

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Hey so I should've clarified that the first break Ethan and Ash went on was like 2 months ago but yea is it Ethan's or is it that guy's?? And who is said guy 😉😉😉

Chapter 6

"What?" Ethan said, his heart felt like it had stopped but he still heard the sound of the machine beeping. "I'm pregnant." She said softer, scared of his next question. "Is it mine? Since when? Drake did say you had been getting a little chubbier but I never noticed-" she cut him off because if she didn't he would've kept rambling on. It was a cute habit she liked. "1. I'm gonna kick Drake's ass, 2. It was about 2 months ago..." she trailed off and Ethan's expression saddened, not k owing what to do. "So it might be mine, but you're not sure?" He said softly, trying to keep his cool. "Yea." She responded and the two sat in silence, neither knowing what to say.

Ethan was the first to speak, letting out a soft chuckle. "It's funny how fucked up everything is now. 2 years ago it was simple." Ash laughed softly and nodded, agreeing with him. "Just tell me, who was he?" Ash sighed and looked down at the floor. "It was a friend of mine. Tom." Ethan rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Like Zendaya's friend Tom? Like Spider-Man Tom?" He asked and Ash nodded, Ethan shaking his head more. "So the child in your stomach could be either mine or some British fuck face?" Ash swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling guilty. "Yea. He knows too. Zendaya accidentally told him one day and he called me immediately. I highly doubt it's his though." She said, trying to give some reassurance to Ethan.

"If you want me to leave I will. Just know that I love you. Not him, not Garret, not anyone else. I love you. I always will Ethan." She stood up and Ethan grabbed her hand, smiling at her softly. "As mad as I am, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for not helping at that time. Instead I pushed you away too and we both made mistakes. I love you too baby and no matter who's it is, I will love this baby too." Ash smiled and kissed Ethan softly, Ethan kissing back just as much. "I wish I wasn't injured at the moment." Ash looked confused and Ethan chuckled, interlocking their fingers. "I wanna fuck you so bad baby." Ash rolled her eyes and Ethan laughed, ash sitting back down.

"Go to sleep ugly."

"You too ugly. I love you."

"I love you too ekat."

What a chapter

Also I made Tom Holland the guy because I love Tom Holland but I Love Ethan more tbh🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter and if you know, you can't tell who is the father until the child is born so know we gotta wait 9 months (: but those nine months will go hella fast because this is a book

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a good day/night (: goodbye

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