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Chapter 5
{a week later}

"You have to see him at some point." Emma, Emmy, and Ash where at Emmy's house trying to Ethan and Ash's relationship. "I know. I just don't know why he would bring it up." Ash sighed and laid her head in her hands."what happened anyway. I never go told about that situation." Emmy said and Ash sighed, Emma looking down at the bed sheets. "When Ethan and I went on that break because I kept being distant and stuff was because I kept getting text from Garret and Lola. I never told him but that's why. Well, my anxiety and depression came back and I kept partying and drinking and smoking weed, I ended sleeping with another guy. I felt guilty and I told Ethan and we both considered it cheating. So the break lasted longer then expected but he finally forgave me after I fixed myself up and yea. We both promised never to bring it up again especially since we were on a break at the time but I don't know. He just brought it up and he knows whenever he does, I feel horrible and I feel like I don't deserve him or this life."

Ash sighed and grabbed her phone, opening it and going to Ethan's contact. "Its not his fault though, I deserve it." Emma sighed and Emmy nodded, grabbing the younger girl's hand. "Call him. Tell him your sorry. He loves you and he never wants to let you go." Ash nodded and clicked the call icon, putting her phone up to her ear and listening to it ring.

"I love you. I'm sorry."

Ash smiled at his voice and chuckled softly.

"Don't be. Its my fault."

"No it's not. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"Its both our faults ok? I'm coming home right now."

"Too late. I'm already in the car."

She chuckled and shook her head, getting up and grabbing some spare clothes she had.

"Ok. I'll be ready soon. Lunch at our fav place?"

"You got it baby. See you soon."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."


She hung up and went to the bathroom, Emma and Emmy, both asking what happened. "We're going out to eat. Thanks guys." They smiled and hugged her, letting her get ready for her date.

{6 hours later}
(Y'all probably gonna hate me🤷🏻‍♀️)

It had been six hours since Ethan was supposed to come and Ash was worried. "Maybe he got held up cuz of something and his phone died. Really it could be nothing." Steve said, trying to comfort the young girl. She had called all the cast, hoping one of them had answers but no one did. So they came to help comfort her. "No. He would've found a place to charge it and texted me. He knows I get worried quickly." She was pacing in Emmy's living room, hoping for a call soon. She heard her phone rang and she jumped, grabbing it quickly, not recognizing the number.


"Hello, is this Ashley Anderson, Ethan CutKosky girlfriend?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"I'm with NorthWestern Memorial Hospital. Mr.Cutkosky has been in a car accident and you have been listed as his emergency contact."

Ash stood there in shock, not knowing what to say or do.


"S-Sorry, I'm on my way."

She hung up and grabbed her purse, everyone following outside. "Where are you going?" She unlocked her car door and and wiped her tears, looking at everyone. "The hospital."

{2 hours later}

It had been two hours and everyone was waiting for the surgeon, Ash not saying anything since they left Emmy's house. "Information for Ethan CutKosky?" Ash stood up and walked to the doctor, hope in her eyes. "That's us sir." Her friends stood behind, the doctor sighing softly. "He's fine. He has 3 broken ribs, his right arm is broken, and there were some cuts bruises, and some internal bleeding, nothing major. He'll be able to the leave the hospital in two weeks if all goes well. He just woke up and asked for everyone. Follow me please."

The doctor started walking to the room, everyone following quickly behind. Once they made it to the room, Ash ran up to the bed and kissed Ethan softly, making sure not to hurt him. "Hey." He said, Ash starting to cry. "Hi." She said softly. She pulled away to let everyone else say goodbye, Ethan happy to see his family. "I don't know about everyone else but I'm tired. We'll be back as soon as possible tomorrow. I assume Ash is gonna stay?" Cameron said after a few minutes of talking. "Yea I am." Everyone nodded and said goodbye, Ash placing the chair right next to Ethan and staring at the love of her life.

"I have something to tell you. I know this is the right time." Ethan look at her confused and she took in a deep breathe editing saying 2 little words that would change their lives forever.

"I'm pregnant."

Whoop there it is

I hope you guys liked this chapter and I hope your having a great night or day (:


Chicago {E.C.} {Book 2}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu