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Chapter 2

It was finally Ash's, Drake's, and Emma's birthday party ; and everyone was stressed. Ethan was out with Drake trying to find the right decorations, Emmy and Shanola were trying to keep Emma and Ash distracted, and Jeremy, Cameron, Noel, and Steve were trying to clean up the house. Ethan and Drake were currently at Ash's and Emma's favorite bakery getting a cake for the them. "I'm proposing to Emma." Drake said, not being able to contain the secret from Ethan anymore. "What?!" Ethan said, looking at Drake with wide eyes. "Yea I know, it's crazy, but I love her man. She's my everything. She's the stars to my sky, the tyler to my josh, the pepperoni to my pizza. Dude she's amazing." Ethan smiled at Drake, viewing the younger boy as a brother asking out the girl he's had a crush on forever. He thought it was  adorable Emma found someone who loved her that much.

"Good luck man. You two deserve each other." Ethan said, giving Drake a hug. "Thanks dude." Drake said, his nerves slightly calmer. "Order for Ethan!" The baker yelled out, Ethan and Drake walking over to the counter. "Here you go." Ethan paid for the cake as Drake looked inside and tried to take some of the icing. Ethan smacked his hand away and closed the box, Drake pouting and shaking his hand softly. "Ouch." Ethan's shrugged and picked up the Cake heading to the car with Drake behind him. "Steve just texted saying their finished cleaning up." Drake said, grabbing the cake from Ethan so he could drive. "Ok, once we get there, we'll order the pizza and put up the decorations. Hopefully Emmy and Shanola can keep up busy for that long."

{with the girls}

Emmy and Shanola thought it would be funny if they took the now turned 20 year olds to a strip club as a 'birthday surprise'. "Why the hell would you bring us here?" Ash laughed as they sat in front of the stage, watching as the men ripped off their clothes for them. "It's your birthday! What better way to celebrate then a male strip club!" Emmy said, laughing along with the girls. "Ok! Whatever you guys say!" Ash said, cheering on the strippers and placing money on the stage for them.


Emmy got a text from Ethan saying everything was ready and that everyone had arrived for the party. Emmy smiled and yelled at the other three girls that it was time to go. They nodded and got up, going to the car. "What a fucking blast that was." Ash said, chuckling softly. She sat in the back, watching Emmy, Shanola and Emma turn up to the music blasting from the car. She thought about her life now and back then and she could honestly say she loved it. She had the love of her life, her best friends, her brother, and she was living in a wonderful city. She sighed softly and smiled, looking out the car window at the passing light and business, happy to be living in Chicago.


@ash: thank you all for the birthday wishes and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY TWIN @drake ily and now pleases enjoy this small spam of pics of my baby bro
@drake: awwee thanks sissy. Happy birthday to you too💕💕😊😊 also you better not ho
@ash: watch me. Pic #1:

 Pic #1:

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Chicago {E.C.} {Book 2}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum