34. Deadly Games

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The metal tang of gunpowder floated in the air, and Reaper could taste it on his tongue as he walked out of the meeting room. Something red began to seep under the door frame.

Shaking in her boots, the assistant stood outside backed into the corner when Reaper slammed the door.

'You might want to call the janitor. Tell them that I don't take orders from arrogant lowlifes'

Nodding quickly, the girl scurried away down the hallways to convey his message.

Watching her half-run, he sighed, eyes following her long brown hair hanging loose down her back.

Still stood outside the room long after she disappeared from sight, Reaper looked down.

The blood on his claws had since been cleaned away, but the blood on his hands would always be there.

When did it even begin? He didn't remember anymore. This was the only way. This way made sense. This way...

The blood crawling out from under the door frame finally reached his feet, pulling him out from his trance.

'Oh, mon amie! It seems you have blood on your shoes. What a nightmare.'
With a sly smile, Widowmaker stood with her hips cocked, leaning against the wall ahead of him.

'Can I help you, Spider?' Reaper snarled, stalking towards her.

Her eyes followed him intensely with each step, and continued watching as he passed her down the corridor.

'Not particularly... I was just curious whether you had a fun night with your pretty little girlfriend. I can think of a few people who would be furious if they knew what you've been up to..' Widowmaker played with her nails as she spoke, the words sounding nonchalant but sharp in his ears.

Stopping the deep growl that threatened to rip from his throat, Reaper composed himself.

'Feel free to tell the dead body on the floor behind me. I don't think many people will want to get angry with me any more.' He spat out at her, continuing to walk away.

Bristling slightly, Widowmaker leaned of the wall and glared at Reaper's back as he didn't miss a step.

'You might live to regret that, friend.' She called after him, one final chance to play with her toy she had grown so fond of.

But the answer was flat and cold, not full of the easy irritation and rage she was so used to.
'I'm already dead.'

He was slipping from her grasp; and her cold, still heart felt a pang of something. Something she didn't remember any more. And she didn't like it.

The image of that girl she had seen Reaper with seared through her mind.

It's all her fault.

Standing up tall, Widowmaker adjusted her rifle on her back. It was getting dark now, but tomorrow she would end this all.

A rare smile pulled her lips at the thought, and the assassin could almost feel the ghost of exhilaration at the thought of a clean, hard kill.

Basking in the rare feeling, a thought struck her suddenly and her stunning golden eyes lit up, pushing her hair back over her ears.

What better a way to punish my toy than to make him watch as I take his away?

I wonder if he'll cry?

I wonder... If it'll make me feel like I used to?

Almost too eager for tomorrow to come, Widowmaker stalked down the corridors into the darkness again, almost lighting up the shadows with her glow of excitement.


Sombra had been too easy to convince, Widow realised the next morning. That girl really was too much of a prankster for her own good.

'It's weird though,' the hacker announced, half talking to herself as Widowmaker prepared her bullets, 'He wears that mask even in his sleep. I'm almost disappointed I didn't get to stick that note directly to his forehead.'

Throwing a cold look at the younger girl, the blue assassin silently shook her head and asked herself why she even associated herself with such children.

'That is probably exactly why he doesn't take the mask off, Sombra.'

Widow's French accent was particularly piercing as she got ready. She wasn't nervous, she didn't feel that anymore, but there was some hesitation lingering in her fingertips with each bullet loaded.

Already bored with the sniper's bland answers, Sombra slunk off to play tricks on somebody else.

'I'll pass on coming with you. I don't fancy being killed by Reaper when it's all over. I quite like all the new tech they like to give me here.'

Met with only silence, Sombra rolled her eyes.
'I'm going back to bed. This is too early for me'

Yawning, Sombra's frame began to pixelate as she turned invisible, giving a quick wave to Widowmaker before she blurred out of vision.


The note was instantly crumpled in Reaper's leather claws as soon as he woke up. Shadows writhed around his huge frame as he shook in fury.

This was all just another own of that bitch's games, wasn't it? Another stab at him to elicit his anger, and give her a hit of that sick satisfaction she craved so badly.

Reaper shuddered.

He'd have a head start though. It was 6am, two hours earlier than his usual time to get up. This wasn't over yet.

In his heart, though, it was already over. He'd had enough with her. This was it.
But for now, he had one thing more important to do. Letting the note drop from his claws as they disintegrated, the shadows pulled at his form until it completely disappeared from the room - only one thing on his mind.


Authors note

Please feel free to help by pointing out any spelling/grammar errors! Or just any bits you didn't like - both would be great, every little helps <3


It Takes Time / Reaper x fem!OCΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα