"But you and Frank are supposed to go and get married and live happily ever after," she said.

I shrugged sadly and she wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"He told me he was going to get me as soon as possible," I said.

"Your dad upped his security, he even has barbed wire on his fence," Lindsey said. "That's why they were never able to get Patrick."

"They won't be able to get me either?" I asked.

"You know Frank would stop at nothing to get you back," she said.

I nodded and she kissed my cheek.

"But since we're here we should plan your wedding," Lindsey said. "There's not really much else for us to do here."

I nodded and she bit her lip.

"I had brought wedding magazines but the guard at the door confiscated them," she said. "They patted me down and everything. They wouldn't let me bring anything in, they don't want to risk anything because of what happened last time with the suitcase."

I sniffled, crawling into bed as I pulled my blanket over my head.

"Gee, don't be upset," she said, sitting beside me.

"We're never going to be able to get married," I whimpered.

"Yes you are," she said. "And I'm going to try and help Frank to get you out of here, okay?"

I sniffled, hugging my bunny stuffie, Casper. I sucked on my paci as she crawled under the blanket with me. Lindsey hugged me tight, running her fingers through my hair.

"I miss him already," I said. "I couldn't let Patrick be hurt. Do you think Frank will hate me?"

"Of course not," she denied. "He knows you're just trying to help Patrick."

I buried my face into her shoulder as I cried.

"We're supposed to be getting married," I sobbed. "We're supposed to live happily ever after. He's the love of my life."

She hugged me tight until I eventually calmed down. I wrapped my arms around her and she kissed the top of my head.

"Frank is going to find a way to get you out of here," she whispered.

"He can't," I whimpered. "He tried for so long with Patrick but he couldn't. The walls are concrete and the door is heavily locked and guarded. The door itself is even metal."

"He'll find a way," she said. "He'd stop at nothing to get you back, he's even killed people just because they upset you."

I sniffled and she rubbed my back.

"I wish my family would just accept us," I mumbled. "And then we could live in peace and Frank wouldn't have to give up his job and the whole gang because he really does love it. And then our wedding would be nice and beautiful, it wouldn't have to be so hidden and secret behind barbed wire fences. It would be beautiful in an open park with a pretty lake. There wouldn't be guards everywhere with big guns, it would nice and peaceful."

"It will be like that," she promised.

"You can't promise that," I mumbled sadly. "We might not have a wedding at all."

"Yes you will," she said. "And if we have to them I will get certified and I'll wed you two over skype."

"You would do that for us?" I asked.

"Of course, you know I'd do anything for you, you're my best friend," she said.

She kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"Come on, there must be something we can do to cheer you up," she said.

"Nothing will," I denied. "Only getting Frank back. What if I never see him again? Now the nightmares are only gonna get worse."

"What nightmares?" She asked.

"Ever since We got back into the business I've been getting nightmares of Frank dying," I confessed. "And I have potty accidents because it scares me. Daddy put me in diapers because he didn't want me peeing on him anymore. I didn't want to tell you because I was embarrassed."

"That's okay, Gee, everyone gets scared," she said. "I always start crying when I get scared, even if it isn't even that bad."

"Like that time I stood outside the bathroom door and scared you when you walked out?" I asked and she nodded. "You cried for thirty minutes."

"See, everyone gets scared and does embarrassing stuff," she said.

"Frank doesn't get scared a lot but when he gets scared enough he cries and pees his pants," I said.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about it," she said.

I sniffled and nodded, wiping my eyes.

"It's starting to get hot underneath this blanket," I said.

I crawled out from under the blanket and sighed as I tucked my hair behind my ears.

"I still just want Frank back," I said.

I twirled my ring around my finger as I sighed sadly.

"Do you want me to sleepover?" She asked.

"Will you?" I asked hopefully. "I'm so used to sleeping with someone that now I get scared when I'm alone. It's so dark in here too, there's no windows and no one bought me a night light."

I looked up at the camera on the ceiling and bit my lip.

"Don't worry, there's no audio," she said. "They can only see you, they can't hear you."

"Good, that would make it a lot weirder," I said. "It's already weird but at least it's a little bit better. I wouldn't want them hearing my conversations. They forgot to take my phone so I can still call Frank."

"Well, that's perfect then," she said. "We can help him get you out of here. And then you'll get to get married and I can be your maid of honor. But if you choose ugly bridesmaids dresses then I quit as your maid of honor."

"Don't worry I don't have a bad sense of style and you're gonna get an opinion too," I said.

"Also, you better not turn into groomzilla," she said. "You can be bratty and bossy."

"I am not," I denied, crossing my arms.

"You wouldn't even let me borrow your dress from your fourth birthday party," she said. "You had to make sure every aspect was perfect from your dress to your tiara to your cake. When it wasn't perfect you threw a fit."

"I just like having the best parties," I defended. "I'm not gonna be groomzilla. My wedding is going to be peaceful and calm and we're gonna go on a month long honeymoon to Bora Bora."

"That sounds like a lot of fun," she said. "You've gotten so far in life and we're all still so sheltered."

"I love him so much," I muttered.

"And you're gonna see him again," Lindsey promised. "You'll get married and I'll sell my soul to make it happen."

I giggled, hugging her tight. I was going to get married and it'll be the best damn wedding ever.

Rebel Princess (Rebel Series Book Two/frerard)Where stories live. Discover now