Taking War to Waves

Start from the beginning

"But besides that, what else?"

Cole fell quiet, watching the horizon. "What if we don't get him back?" he said gently.

"We will," Dray said, "Whatever these powers, we can best them."

Cole laughed. "Really? We can best mystical powers? A bunch of pirates can better the gifts of supernatural beings?"

"Dago is not a supernatural being and he can't know how to really use them yet," Dray pointed out, "We'll figure it out. And if it comes to it, we have Perry as a last resort."

"You know can't use him," Cole said, glancing down to the deck below where Perry was stood talking to Aeralie, pointing out something in the tumbling clouds above. "This is a fight of mortal creatures – humans and merfolk alike. Asking him to do more than take up arms or pass a message is stepping over the lines. The results affect his life, not ours."

Dray looked at him. "And if he chooses to intervene?"

Cole glanced at him then looked away again. "That's his life on the line there. I can't stop the will of those born for greater things than us."

Dray grinned as he looked towards the horizon, the wind tearing through their hair and howling around them. "Be they princes, gods or demons, far be it from mortal man to shape the will of power," he muttered.

"As my dear old pop is known to say," Cole said with a smirk, "And so far, having had the strange fortune to meet with all three, I'm inclined to agree with him."

"Captain! Ship on the horizon!"

Everyone looked up as one of the men leant over the edge of the crow's nest, high above, pointing dead ahead, a spyglass pressed to his face.

Dray quickly handed Cole another spyglass and he held it to his eye.

The king's flag flew high and wild at the top of the highest mast, lit by a sudden flash of lightening that split the sky beyond it.

"The King's Command! Dead ahead!" he roared, snapping the spyglass shut and grabbing the wheel again. "All hands to your posts! Prepare to board! Ready the guns! We'll be coming up the port side!"

Aeralie looked around as men burst into action around her. Perry caught her hand and pulled her across the deck, dodging the men as they rushed up the stairs towards Cole.

"We'll sail alongside them," Cole said, his eyes never leaving the ship that sailed the horizon.

They were gaining on it faster than any other ship they'd chased down before. Be it gods, sea or wind, something was on their side and speeding them across the storm-tossed waters like they were skating on ice, racing the storm that trembled overhead.

"Perry, stay on board."

"What?" Perry said, staring at him in shock.

"Stay here and keep the ships parallel."

"But I can help."

"I know but you're emotionally involved. I don't want you crossing the line with a power without thinking and messing things up for yourself."

"You're emotionally involved as well."

"I have nothing to lose," Cole said, looking at him.

"What a joke, of course you do," Perry snapped, glaring at him, "You're going up against a man who's taken command of the sea. There is a hell of a lot you could lose! Your life being a start! You have no power."

"I'm not exactly a stranger to almost losing my life," Cole said, raising an eyebrow at him, "It somewhat comes with the job."

"But I—"

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