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I had finished all my classes for the day, although it wasn't anything exciting or out of the ordinary as our new professor had started teaching. She was a pretty young woman and after class Beam looked like he was going to flirt with her, until I dragged him to the back of the class by the ear, which caused him to yelp in surprise before turning to me.

"Do not cheat on Forth, he is not nice when he is in a bad mood and he is very possessive of you, as you very well know", I warned Beam with a stern face.

"I was only going to say 'hello' and greet her, but that is probably too informal and could be seen as being too close, I realize that now and also your point makes a lot of sense. Since last time Forth was being possessive of me, he almost started a fight with a male waiter who offered me a free drink in one of the cafés. Luckily the manager didn't kick us out as Forth calmed down when I talked to him and convinced him it was only a kind gesture. He is generally very gentle and caring, although he does get very possessive of me, but I think it is cute, although it can be annoying at times", he chuckled and I couldn't help but wonder if Ming would get in a fight over me, but I remembered that there was no deeper relationship than friends and he would have no reason to. Not that I wanted him to be possessive over me. It would just feel nice to have someone fuss over me, but it wouldn't have to be Ming of course. As well as I am the possessive type myself as I get jealous easily and normally there is mainly one person in a couple that is possessive, I think maybe?

I then woke from my thoughts from Beam waving his hand frantically in front of my face. "Class has ended long ago and we are still here because of your daydream, even the professor has left and told us to have a nice evening", Beam enlightened me into what had happened during my distraction of being absorbed in my thoughts. I started walking with Beam to his car, where he drove me home before he drove himself back to where he lived, which was very near to me.

I entered my room and kicked off my shoes, sat down on the couch and scrambled around my left pocket in vain, but then switched side and took the note I had received from Ming out from the depths of my right pocket. I unfolded it and read the contents of the short note.


Dear P'Kit Kat,

Please come to the park nearest the medical block, the one with the dull lights from the bad lampposts.
Please meet me on the bridge in the park at 9:00pm.

Come alone please and make sure to wear a jacket as I don't want you to catch a cold because of me!

Please turn up!

Handsome Ming Kwan


Noticing that I still had a bit of time before I was going to meet him there as it was 8:37pm and the walk to the park only takes 10 minutes, I placed a few outfits of clothes onto my bed and narrowed down my choices before making the final decision of wearing plain jeans and a cute t-shirt with 'hug' on the front from a charity event I had gone to and bought the top from in order to show my support and donate.

Then I folded the note and placed it into the back pocket of my jeans, just in case. I checked my watch, shoved all the basic stuff, like my phone, wallet and keys, but before leaving I remembered to wear a jacket so I grabbed a jean jacket off the hook, adjusted the collar and hooked the hole into the buttons quickly. However I couldn't find one of the top holes and one of the bottom buttons, but it took one glance in the mirror to realize that I had done up my buttons misaligned, but checking my watch, I decided to do the buttons on the way.

As soon as I got out of my place, I habitually got out my phone and earphones. I walked the streets with my blue earphones plugged into my phone and tunes playing and music flowing out into my ears with me humming along to each note.

I reached the park in no time and the time was 8:56pm and I entered the park, taking out my earphones and stashing my electronic device into my pocket, hoping it would fit nicely and it went in with no hitches.

I wandered the park and didn't get lost despite the very bad lighting, although I had been to this park before so I knew the route.

I approached the bridge to see a lone figure leaning on the bridge's ledge. It was obviously Ming, but he hadn't noticed me and I took a moment to take in the peaceful view of the moonlight reflecting off his face and the water.

He then turned and noticed me standing there, "Aye P'Kit Kat you came!", he exclaimed.

"I am disappointed that you told me to wear a jacket, yet you wear none yourself", I said going on to the bridge, observing that he was only wearing a casual shirt and jeans, lacking in a jacket.

"Sorry P', but turns out the weather was fair tonight", he said looking slightly sheepish.

He walked up to me, getting very close and I started to get nervous as his hands reached out to me. They settled for undoing my jackets buttons and I felt a sense of restlessness and relief that it was only a situation where he had realized my buttons were done up wrong. "P' you should pay more attention to how you do your jacket as otherwise it is just as useless as no jacket" he instructed, while redoing the order of my buttons, but I was cautiously waiting for him to finish up so my heart would calm down slightly.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked turning and leaning against the bridge's ledge staring at the ripples of liquid beneath my feet.

"Because I want to confess", Ming stated calmly while I started coughing and choking.

"You what?!" I was very confused at this moment. I had only just recovered and stopped spluttering from my coughing fit. Even though I had returned to a calm demeanor, my heart was racing and I couldn't think straight as I was trying to stop my heart leaving my chest from what I think is fright.

"I like you P'Kit", he said sincerely and my heart would not stop racing and my head was dizzy from these sudden words.

I was in a state of mass confusion and turmoil and I wanted to say, "why would you ever like me?" or "what is there to like?", but before I knew what was happening, I had said.

"Why would I ever like you"


Hi KatsuKitKat here

1000+ words reached

The title making sense yet?

Hope you enjoy!

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