Loop Six

457 8 8

Older! Zane au

Phoenix Drop High Season One

Garroth's pov

It was the end of the day, I was walking with Laurance outside the building when I get a text. It's from Mommy saying my older brother is back and that he is picking me up, yay! He went off to college last year and we have not seen him since then. "What's the deal Garroth?" Laurance asks me, trying to look at my phone. "Oh nothing much, just that my big brother is back in town!" I finish excited. "No way! Your brother is awesome!" Laurance shouts in disbelief. "Ugh, can you shut your mouth for a minute Laurance?" Sasha says from the bleachers, looking annoyed along with Gene and Zenix. "Yeah, what are you two even talking about?" Zenix asks, but before I can respond, I hear the roar of a motorcycle. Everyone outside of school (there are random students just hanging out) looks at a sleek, black motorcycle pull into the parking lot, the rider parks his bike and hops off. They are tall, I only go up to their chin, have a black shirt with a white web design on it, a black leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots, and black fingerless gloves. As the rider takes off their black helmet, I start bouncing a little in happiness. Their black hair covers their right eye and is tied into a low ponytail in the back, he was also wearing a mask that was black and had a skeleton design on it (like the jaw part). I see the Shadow Knights look surprised at the newcomer, but quickly turn to panic when they see him walking over. "Hi big brother!" I say excited, he's here! "What's up little bro?" He says, in his deep voice that sends chills up everyone else's back. I know what they're thinking, how could Garroth Ro'meave, popular boy and always cheerful, be related to this dark haired bad boy? Well I don't care what they think, he's my brother and I love him! "Nothing much, just hanging out with Laurance." I turn to him as I say this, only to see him gawking at my brother like he's some god. "Hi Laurance." Zane says, also turning to look at him. Laurance gulps and says shakily, "H-Hi Zane." Zane then turns to look up at the Shadow Knights, who are still looking at him in shock. "And who are you all?" Zane asks, crossing his arms. Gene takes a moment to collect himself before saying, "I'm Gene, leader of the Shadow Knights, baddest gang in school." Zane looks at Gene for a moment before chuckling, "Baddest gang? More like stupidest gang, you all never go to class, how are supposed to get smarter? Keep this up and you'll end up being a garbage man." Zane says the last statement with knowing in his eye. Huh, that's a little weird.

Zane then starts to walk over to his motorcycle, motioning with his hand for me to follow, as I start to follow him I'm stopped by Ivy. "Garreth! (Purposely spelled that wrong) You never talked to me today, to you know, your girlfriend!" Out of the corner of my eye I see Zane freeze, oh no. "Ivy, for the last time, I am not your boyfriend." I say, tired of hearing her already. Zane then walks over, oh great! He probably thinks I'm being rude to someone he thinks is my girlfriend! "Who are you?" My brother asks, voice unnaturally sweet, which scares me because that is the voice he makes before he rips someone a new one. "I'm Ivy, Garreth's girlfriend. The question is who are you?" Ivy says, acting like she's better than Zane. "One, it is pronounced Garroth, two, Garroth just said that you are not his girlfriend and I'm pretty sure relationships have to go both ways, and three, I'm Zane, Garroth's older brother." Zane says, looking down at Ivy like she's something less than a bug. Ivy looks like someone just told her that she is no longer allowed to wear or own make-up, I know I should feel bad, but I'm kind of happy Zane just said that. "Stop acting like you are the queen, not everyone likes you, you are not my brother's girlfriend, he is not in denial, get over yourself." Zane says, voice venomous and icy blue eye sharp. "Come on Garroth, we're going home." Zane says, turning to his motorcycle. "Okay, bye Laurance! See you later!" I say as Zane puts a black helmet on my head. We then drive off with everyone looking at my brother instead of me, I have to say it feels nice to not be the center of attention for once.

So what did you all think, I might come back to this later. But I have a request, if any of you find Ein x Zane stories, can you tell me where to find them or the titles? I have this weird thing for my favorite characters being mind controlled or turned evil if they are on the "good" side.

A Ro'meave in Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें