Loop Three

392 7 7


Skydoesminecraft is in this

No One's POV

Insane laughter rang throughout the abandoned building, two people were the source of the sound. A man with brown hair with a single lock dyed gold wearing a black tuxedo like outfit with a gold tie, and was wearing sunglasses was sitting on a throne like chair. Leaning on the throne was a another man, who had naturally black hair, but had dyed it in two places, red at the ends and the part that covers his right eye was blue. He was wearing a red shirt that said "Mommy's little monster" with see-through sleeves, dark blue shorts that stopped midway to his knee, knee high red boots that had blue heels at the bottom, and a red mask that covered his mouth and nose. The reason they were laughing was right in front of them, the brown haired one's arch rival, Batman, was slowly being lowered into a vat of chemicals, the same kind that caused the brown haired one's insanity. "Zane! Snap out of it! This isn't you!" Batman yelled at the now revealed Zane, who was the black haired one. "How do you know that, big brother?" Zane talks back, mockingly. Yes, it is true, Batman is actually Garroth Ro'meave, big brother to Zane and Vyald Ro'meave. "Yes, how do you know that? My cupcake could have gotten tired of being ignored and pushed aside for you." The brown haired man said, as he tilted Zane's head to look at him lovingly. "Let go of him Jester!" Garroth yelled, angry. Before anyone could say anything else, two figures crashed through a window, one throwing a bat-a-rang, which cut the rope holding Garroth, while the other caught him and landed safely on the ground. "Batman, are you okay?" The figure who caught him asked. "I'm okay Robin, but we have to help Batgirl now!" Garroth exclaims, as he quickly stands up and looks towards to where a girl with black hair wearing a bat suit is avoiding a red and blue hammer being swung around by Zane. Both Batman and Robin spring into action, Robin jumping on Zane's back, momentarily distracting him as Batgirl round house kicks him. As Jester sees this he is blinded by rage, "NO ONE HURTS MY CUPCAKE!" He shouts, quickly getting his toy gun and jumping into action. Zane gets up and starts to help Jester, keeping Batgirl and Robin distracted while Jester fight Batman.

This continues for a few minutes before a black car with no roof and gold accents crashes into the building. In the car are three people, a man who has similar hair to Zane, but instead of red and blue, has a trace of green, with brown eyes and tan skin. His outfit seemed to be made from leaves, which started at his neck, had no sleeves, stopped under his thighs and had green boots. There was a purple dinosaur with a green stomach area, but that was only half of his body, the other half had an eyepatch, sickly yellow fur with and orange yellow belly, and the mouth on that side seemed to have no lips. The finale person was a squirrel wearing a black and red tuxedo and a top hat. These were Jester's partners, Poison Moss, Burny, and The Chicken. "See ya later losers!" Jester exclaimed, as he grabbed Zane by the waist and jumping into the car next to Burny. Poison Moss was driving off as The Chicken threw one of his mechanical chickens at Batman. He dodged it before it blew up, but the villains were already gone by the time the smoke settled. "We'll get Jester and Wisecracker next time." Batgirl says, as she helps Robin up. Batman and Robin glance in each other's direction before looking away. They had not told Batgirl that Wisecracker was their brother, they felt scared and guilty about it, not being able to protect their brother from Jester. "Let's go back to mansion, ok Vyald and Aphmau?" Garroth asks, sounding tired from the night. Both nod as they walk out of the building.


In another part of town, Zane laid in bed, thinking to himself. He turned to look at the other occupant of the bed, Jester, or Sky, as Zane knew him, had his arm around Zane's waist. Zane smiled and thought to himself, "This world turned out to be dramatically different, but fun. Watching Garroth struggle and try to turn me good. Let's see what else will happen." And with that, Zane closed his eyes, hugged Sky, and tried to fall asleep.


So what did you guys think? I couldn't think of any names to replace Batman or his sidekicks.

Any requests?

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