First plane ride

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Audrey had her eyes clenched tightly, and an even tighter grip on the arm of the chair.

Her eyes suddenly flew open when a hand touched her shoulder. She looked over to see the kind stewardess who had assisted her earlier when she first boarded the plane.

"Excuse me Miss, but would you mind if someone were to sit in this seat?" She asked as she pointed to the empty aisle seat beside Audrey.

"She can have the window seat if she wants."

The stewardess gave a smile. "Thank you, she will be along shortly. "

Audrey watched the lady leave and went back to gripping the arm rest and fervently wishing she didn't have to be here. Taking first place in the state competition at school had been exciting at first, until she realized that she would have to attend the national  competition, which required a plane ride.

'Why did I have to be so good with computers?'

"Hello deary." Said a cheery voice.

Audrey looked over and saw a tiny elderly woman with silvery hair and a kind smile.

"Hello." Audrey replied with a small smile.

"My name is Ethel. Thank you for letting me sit here. Not too many young people would want to sit next to an old woman like me."

Truth be told, Audrey had not been told exactly who was to be sitting next to her, but she saw no point in sharing that information. Instead she replied,

"I'm Audrey."

"I take it this is your first time in a plane?" The woman asked with a sly smile.

"What makes you say that?"

"Just that way your clutching that arm rest."

Awkwardly, Audrey released her grip and smoothed her shirt down, unsure what to do with her hands now.

"I've have flown many a time deary. And I can promise you it is an enjoyable experience."

Audrey smiled, feeling that Ethel was an easy person to talk to. "It is my first time. I guess I'm just a little scared."

"A little?" Asked Ethel.

Audrey let out a laugh. "Alright, I'm terrified."

Ethel nodded approvingly. "That is the first step to overcoming a fear, to admit you have it."

At that moment a voice was heard  over the loud speaker. Audrey assumed it was the pilot. The same stewardess stood at the front and been to go over rules and regulations.  Audrey found the part about using the life vest and oxygen mask a bit scary, but paid close attention. After a bit, the stewardess concluded the speech.

Suddenly the engine came to life and every one began to buckle their seat belts. Audrey's hands shook as she tried in vain to buckle. Ethel noticed the girl's trial and helped.

"You know what I find calming to do?" Asked Ethel.


"I close my eyes and let my imagination take me somewhere else. Have you ever swam in the ocean before?"

Audrey shook her head. She did love to swim, but hadn't had the chance to go to the ocean yet.

"Well deary, I want you to do just that. Close your eyes and go someplace far from here."

Audrey watched as Ethel herself leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. A peaceful smile played on her face. Audrey was almost envious at the peace the woman seemed to have.

Suddenly the plane began to move forward! Audrey clenched her eyes shut and slinked down in her seat. She found herself holding her breath and desperately trying to do as Ethel had suggested.

'Who am I kidding? This will never work.'

She opened her eyes and nearly screamed. Before her, a transparent blue jellyfish bobbed up and down. She glanced out the window and saw nothing but clear blue water.

'We've crashed in the ocean!' Panic filled her and she felt her lungs begging for fresh air. She looked over to see that Ethel was gone. As were the passengers on the other side of the aisle.

Her chest burned from the lack of air and she knew if she didn't breath soon, she would pass out. Finally she opened her mouth and took deep breathes. She was surprised when no water filled her lungs.

Audrey watched as the jellyfish floated here and there without a care in the world. 'This must be what Ethel meant.' She wondered. Out the window, the scenery was breathtaking as colorful schools of fish passed by. Even a whale slowly drifted by the window, its large eye looked at the girl then blinked as it swam off.

Audrey smiled, being entranced by the view. She still wasn't entirely sure how the jellyfish were swimming about, when there was no water in the plane.

After some time she felt her eyes grow heavy, the deep blue water was comforting to watch. Laying back in her seat, she let herself fall asleep.


"Miss? Wake up, we've landed."

Audrey opened her eyes and found herself staring out the window. Apparently, in her sleep she had leaned her face on the glass. Any sign of the ocean was gone, as people milled about and small vehicles transported luggage.

She sat up and looked over at the stewardess.

"Where is-?" She began.

"Mrs. Wiggins had to leave as soon as we landed. But she wanted to be sure you got this."

Audrey squinted as the lady held out a small book. Beautiful and vibrant colored jellyfish decorated the cover. Audrey took the book and opened it carefully. The pages were empty, just begging to be filled up.

Alone on the inside cover, a short note was jotted down in spidery print.

During the flight, I imagined I was in Egypt, where I discovered a lost tomb. Keep dreaming Audrey. Never be afraid to let your imagination take you places.

Your fellow dreamer,
Ethel Wiggins

Yay! Another update! Comment what you thought! :)

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