The Mermaid's Secret

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To anyone else, the water would have felt cold and uninviting. But to Sophia, it was home.

Just above the sea, her dark eyes watched the ship as it sailed through the waves. Aboard the ship, pirates were making merry and singing, quite off key.

Sophia had witnessed the crew when they arrived at their destination that morning. Careful to stay out of sight, she had watched from afar as the crew had hauled two heavy chests on the island. Sand flew as shovels fervently dug. The harsh orders of the captain commanded them to dig deeper and faster.

At last, Sophia had watch them all board the large ship. Tired and worn they looked, but jolly as they sailed away, all laughing and singing.

Now Sophia ducked beneath the cold waves; the pirate ship far from the little island. She swam quickly, arms at her sides and orange-red tail flickering gracefully behind her. With her, she carried empty sacks that would prove useful.

She passed schools of tropical fish but having no time to chat, she kept swimming, the island drawing near.

Finally she came to the shore and hauled herself onto the beach, so as to be completely out of the water. Sophia waited patiently on the sandy beach as she watched her magnificent mermaid tail transform into a pair of human legs.

Standing up, she went right to work uncovering the many treasures the pirates had buried. The pirates had been foolish to not bury their plunder deeper. It was hard work, but she filled the sacks she had brought with gold, jewles, and pieces of eight. Sophia then buried the chests and bags again, making sure it looked the same as when the pirates had left.

She tied the sacks tightly and carried them over her shoulder back to the shore. Sophia let her legs dangle in the water and after a moment, they  formed into her former mermaid tail.

She was not quite finished with her task. Quickly she swam, in a hurry to deposit her new treasures in her secret place. It took the mermaid longer to arrive due to the heavy sacks she carried. But after a while, her blond hair surfaced and she found herself inside her cave.

She had come upon this place years ago and it now served a greater service than she had ever imagined it could. Sophia hauled herself upon the single rock that sat in the midst of a shallow pool. The pool already glimmed a golden color due to prior treasures she had 'obtained'. Sophia untied the sacks and dumped the contents into the pool, creating satisfying splashes as they hit the water.

Once the sacks were empty, the mermaid lay on her stomach, her tail in the air, and looked at the treasure pool. She rested her chin in the palm of her hands, her elbows rested against the chilly and damp rock.

Sophie smiled mischievously as she imagined the pirate's reaction when they returned to their island and found their beloved treasure, gone. And what's more- a mermaid took it. But they would never find it she took it, this was her secret.

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