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Her back against a rocky wall, Rachelle gazed at her surroundings. The mermaid had lived in the enclosed pool of water for as long as she could remember. The water was not deep and always the same temperature.

Most days she tolerated it, swimming about half-heartedly or braiding her dark hair. But today, the closed space seemed to wear on her nerves.

Rachelle swam around the rocky wall that enclosed the pool. She was looking for an opening, an exit. She felt the wall with her fingers, pushed against it with all her might, but the wall held fast. Her primrose colored tail splashed as she ventured around the pool, not willing to give up.

Suddenly her world began to shake! She ceased her search and held unto rock wall. The water sprayed Rachelle and at times washed over her head. Just as soon as she was thinking that the shaking would go on forever, it stopped.

Rachelle released her grip of the wall and looked around. She glanced up and let out a terrified scream as the mermaid saw eyes staring back at her. They were childlike eyes, yet it frightened her all the same. What was going on?

Suddenly the shaking began all over again and she looked up to see that the eyes were coming closer then moving away with each shake.

Rachelle had no idea that the enclosed pool she lived in was really a snowglobe. And that the eyes were those of the child that had just received the globe as a gift.

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