Beyond the Door

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My name is not important. I'm just a poor girl working at the tavern in town. Locals come in, thirsty for drink and gossip. Every so often travelers will stop in for the night.

I see people come and go all the time. Not me. This is my home, or so the boss says. This is where I belong, or so his wife says. And really what choice do I have? No home to go to, no family to cling to. No matter what I want, this place is all I know.

I could walk through the main room blind folded and not bump into one table. I've cleaned and prepared every guest room we have and that goes double for the horse stables. It's a filthy job working in a tavern, and I'm not only talking about cleaning the stables. Drunkards think that I'm as much for sale as the ale.

And now Ruben, the boss, is hollaring for me. Most likely to deliver an order. Doesn't he realize I am one person? Not two minutes ago he told me to tend to the fire that was beginning to die down. What's the use of complaining? I'm just a poor girl who works in the tavern.

"We got a big crowd tonight girl." The boss says to me in a low voice. His eyes stare me down and I see a droplet of sweat running down his face.

"Yes sir."

"Now get behind the counter and wait on those men."

I make my way over and glance at the men. They are both wearing dark, almost black, cloaks. I can not see their faces but they seem to be in deep conversation.

"Good evening sirs. What can I get you?"

Both men stop talking and one looks at me. His eyes are dark and he has a grim look about him.

"A room for the night." His voice is low.

I offer a smile that I have used so many times in this place that it no longer means anything.

"Of course sir, we have a room available. I'll show it to you."

I begin to leave the counter when a rough and calloused hand lays on my arm. I turn and am ready to give him what for, but before I can he speaks.

"Has a man, dressed like us, been in here tonight?"

I shake off his hold on my arm and eye both of the men suspiciously. "No."

"Will you tell us the moment he arrives?" I sense the urgency in his tone.

Behind him the other man mutters "If he arrives."

Across the room, Ruben is calling for me but I ignore him and reply to the strangers.

"Yes, I will."

The man nods and the conversation drops as if it never happened. I led them to their room. It's small but still comfortable. Two small beds, a table, two chairs and a window with a yellow curtin.

Both men enter without so much a thank you. One of them goes straight to the window and pulls the curtain shut. The other is removing a knife or two from beneath his cloak. They seem to have all but forgotten me.

I clear my throat and they both look up at me, indeed they did forget I was there.

"Would you like any food brought to your room?"

"No." They say.

I give a shrug. Odd folk are the worst to deal with. I leave, shutting the door behind me. I can't help wonder though who they are and why they seem so nervous? Anxious? I have never held a knife before, why does he need two? Why the secrecy? I am half tempted to march right back to their room, bang on the door and demand answers. But it's not my place. Not my business. I'm just a poor girl working in the tavern.

I walk back to the counter just in time for Ruben to order me about some more. Where his wife is I'm not sure, but some help would be nice.


I can't sleep. I usually have no trouble sleeping on my mat on the floor of the back room. But tonight my eyes refuse to close. I find my mind drifting back to those two strange men. What are they doing now? The man they asked me to look out for never did come. The nagging thoughts will never leave unless-

I pull back my miserable excuse of a blanket and stand up. Ruben is in the next room, snoring loudly I might add. The wood floor is chilly beneath my bare feet but I don't mind too much.

The main room is dark and empty. A few chairs are scattered but I pay them no mind. It fills me with an odd sensation to stand in an empty room like this. One that is always full of people and smells. Tonight it was crowded, perhaps tomorrow it will be  crowded as well. But for now it is silent. I am not rushing from table to table, taking orders or slapping away hands. It is nice to not be working.

I should go to sleep. It will be morning before I am ready and I will be back at work. Although- I'm already up and what could it hurt just to go to their door and then go back to sleep?

I steal across the room toward the guest room, my feet make not a sound and I slow down my breathing. I feel a rise of excitement well up inside me. Nothing exciting ever happens to me.

Turning the corner I stop suddenly. Coming from their door is a glow of light! Could it be so bright due to the dark hallway? Why are they not asleep? What could they be doing? I am beginning to feel like an intruder.

If the light isn't enough, I hear the men talking. Though I shouldn't,  I step closer. I can no longer contain my curiosity. I stand as close to the door as I can and strain to listen. The voices are too muffled so I bend over and look through the keyhole.

I let out a gasp and stagger back at what I have just seen! The door opens and the light is so intense I have to turn and shield my eyes.

Suddenly ice cold water is splashed in my face. I sputter and gasp for air. Where did the water come from? I look to see Ruben's wife, Zelda, standing over me. No amount of water could put out the fire in her eyes as she glares at me.

"Wake up you lazy beast! Who do you think you are, sleeping in?"

I sit up, I'm in the back room. What just happened? Those two men, was it a dream? They, they had wings, like eagles wings. Large golden wings. I bolt up and run past Zelda. I have to know what happened last night; what I saw.

The main room is empty except for an early customer munching on a breakfast of steak and eggs.

I come to the room that the men had last night and find it to be open. Without a second thought I run in the room. It is empty. No sign that it was even occupied.

"I already cleaned that room, go tend to the counter."

I turn to see Ruben walking past. He may have an answer.

"The men who stayed here, did they leave already?"

Ruben grunts, probably annoyed that I'm bothering him. "They left before dawn, the one complained of a hard bed. Nothing wrong with the bed. I say to em' get lost."

That's Ruben for you. Not a polite bone in the man. I'm left standing alone. I should forget the whole thing and start working. It was only a dream. But that doesn't change how nervous they acted. I wonder, would those two bother leaving a complaint rather than to leave quick and quiet like?

I take a seat on the bed. Nothing about it seems hard. I get down on my knees and lift the blanket that is hanging over. I cover my mouth so as not to let out a scream. There, under the bed is a large golden feather!

I slowly reach out to take it. They must have left it for me, so I would know what I saw. But why? Whatever the reason I am grateful.

The rest of the day I work diligently with a smile on my face and a spark of joy in my heart. The feather is safely hidden away. It may be silly to treasure it so, but it gives me hope.

If two men can have grand and glorious eagle wings, then perhaps I, a poor girl who works in the tavern, can do something equally grand and glorious with my life.

The men are not intended to be angels.

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