The Fairy's Gift

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Emily is running through the grassy field on that warm summer's night. Little did the child know, her life would be forever changed.

Perhaps if she had known that on this very evening that all creatures of myth emerge from dreams and fairytales, she would have chosen to stay indoors with her aunt; whom she was spending the summer with in the country.

Alas, the child had no knowledge of this fact and with golden hair flying behind her and a youthful smile, she dashes through the tall grass.

Did you hear that? The first warning for all mortals to flee; the beating of drums that seem to roll through the field. Emily does not hear it either.

Instead, her careful eyes notice fireflys about. As any youth would, Emily changed course immediately and ran toward the tiny green glowing bugs.

The second warning!  From behind trees and stones goblins laugh and mock those who, by dare or freewill,  remain in the area. Tis folly for one not to heed the second and final warning.

After an unsuccessful attempt at firefly snatching, Emily wanders on. The night growing darker and deadlier. Unbeknownst to the girl, a ghostly shadow of a figure now follows. Silently it goes, seeming to hover. Its eyes gleam red from beneath the midnight black cloak. An ominous mist blankets the ground surrounding it.

I fear the end is nigh for innocent Emily as she walks about, the tall grass nearly overshadowing her. The phantom- no, it is a wraith that has come to overtake her. The wraith draws nearer, one step closer and its icy grip could do its worst.

All seems lost. But wait! There in the chilling air, an orb of golden light appears. The intensity of it all forces the wraith to flee, wailing in agony.

Now Emily turns her attention to what it taking place just behind her. A look of confusion plays on her face as the light seems to bob up and down, coming toward her. Emily shields her eyes from the brightness. When she looks again, she opens her mouth in both surprise and delight. Before her stands a lovely fairy and she is holding the light in her delicate hands.

The fairy smiles, the golden color reflects on her face and makes her look all the more enchanting. Emily at once sees the fairy's wings and wishes she had a pair of her very own.

"Dear one." The fairy speaks. "Do you like this light I have?"

Emily nods quickly.

"It is my gift to you, to see you home safely."

Emily can do naught but smile. The fairy gives a laugh that sounds like that of a quiet spring rain.

"Hold our your hands."

The child holds out her tiny hands and accepts the glorious light. The fairy then removes from her dark hair, a pink flower. She then places it in Emily's hair. The child is beaming with joy as she reaches up to pat the flower.

"Go home sweet one, the light shall keep you safe from dark things."

Emily looks down to admire the light for only a moment. When looking back up, she is perplexed to see the fairy is gone.

The light still in her hands, she commences to carry out the fairy's commands.

With the light in her hands and the flower in her hair, she turns and runs back home and, after a bit, Emily finds herself in the comforting arms of her aunt.


Hope you all enjoyed this! I had the book series, Fablehaven, on the brain as I wrote it. Lotr-fan

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