The Icy Scheme

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The carriage is driving slowly through the snowy path. Snowflakes sail past my window but I do not head much attention to them. I keep my head down as I finger my long white satin gloves. The texture seems to calm my nerves.

I, Queen Rymandi, am traveling to the  woods where I am to meet an important political figure. Truth be told, I would much rather be home reading beside a roaring fire. Alas, this is more important at this moment.

The carriage stops suddenly and I fall foward a little. I adjust my crown and put on my gloves. Before long, my carriage door opens for me. The footman seems nervous; he should be.
"Your M-majesty." He says with a slight stutter as he holds out a gloved hand for me.

I take hold of his hand. "Thank Smythe. This will only take a moment, stay here."

My bare feet make contact with the icy snow and I smile. The cold will keep me alert and cautious. I walk through the snow, my head up and back perfectly straight. I must not show any weakness.

"She's here!" I hear a masculine voice exclaim.

My breath shows before me in clear puff of steam. I purse my lips and keep walking.

Suddenly a clocked figure appears from behind a tall maple tree.

"Greetings Rymandi. We thought you were not coming." I recognize the voice as Pyrex. He holds much power in my husband's court, perhaps too much.

I decide to ignore the fact that he has purposely left off my title as queen.

"The weather was unexpected." I reply cooly.

Pyrex removes his hood and gives a smirk. His face would prove handsom, if not for the unkempt beard and many scares he bears. Behind me, two more cloaked figures arrive. I hear the snow crunch beneath their heavy boots.

I decided to take control over this meeting. "Gentlemen, shall we now discuss what we had planned?"

Pyrex bows, his tone mocking and I wonder why I am dealing with this cretin.

"Certainly, fair lady."

The men behind me snicker. I feel hot anger rising in my face. I only hope the snow beneath my feet help to cool down my temper.

"Where is the item you promised me?" I demand.

Pyrex pulls out a small object that is wrapped in brown paper. He smiles as he holds it up.

"The dagger of Dquin, ambassador to King Fradin, your husband's greatest enemy."

I nod. "How did you obtain it?"

Much to my dismay, the man places it back in his pack and smirks. "Somethings are not meant for a lady such as yourself to know."

"The same lady who comes today to plan the murder of her husband is not permitted to know how the weapon has been obtain?" I reply.

Behind me I hear a gasp. I turn and to my horror, Smythe, my trusted footman, is gapping at me. Clearly he has overheard what I just said. He begins to run away.

My instinct is to go after him but I am stopped as Pyrex roughly grabs my arm.

"You two goons, after that man! Make sure he can not talk."

The men take off running and I feel a burst of sympathy for Smythe. I look back at Pyrex who still has a firm grasp on my arm.

"Release me." I command.

He only shakes his head and leans in close to my ear.

In a whisper he begins, "Tell me, why should a queen want to kill her own husband?"

His breath smells of old cheese and wine.

"It is no business of yours."

Pyrex then grabs my arms and holds it behind my back. Pain shoots up and I want to beg for him to stop, but a queen does not beg.

"If you want the dagger, then you must answer my question."

"I can use any dagger, I do not need yours."

Pyrex laughs loudly. "Oh dear queen, those were not your words last week. You insisted on the dagger of your rival kingdom. You know war will come of this once the weapon is found. Why do you wish to bring war upon your people?"

"Perhaps I enjoy war." I reply shortly.

The horrid man laughs again and releases my arm. I resist the urge to both slap him and rub my painful arm.

At that moment one of the cloaked men returns. Now his hood is down and blood is streaming from his lip. Poor Smythe is being dragged behind, he looks unconscious.

"What happened to you?" Asked Pyrex in amusement.

The man drops my footman and kicks him in the stomach.

"This dog killed Hythum!" He shouts
I assume Hythum is the other cloaked man.

I feel a rush of pride at my brave footman. I look back at Pyrex and give an icy stare.

"Now hand me the dagger and I shall be on my way."

"Seeing as you have killed one of my men, I do not see why I should give it to you."

I expected this outcome to happen. Truly I did. Quicker than a flash I pull out a dagger of my own from my fur cape and fling it toward Pyrex, aimed at his wretched heart. I am please to see I did not miss.

Behind me his goon is now coming at me. I let him come close before surprising him with a trick no soul has ever witnessed. Out from my fingers shoot forth shards of ice. His face now will forever be one of suprise.

I stroll to Pyrex who is clutching the dagger handle and gasping for air. I bend down and retrieve to promised weapon from his pack.

"I-" he chokes out.

"You doubted me Pyrex, I truly do enjoy war."

He watches as I carefully unwrap the dagger. It is a true work of art with its pure gold handle and decorated blade. I finger the tip and smile.

"Thank you for bringing this to me."

I suddenly bring the dagger down and pierce Pyrex in the heart again. His eyes grow wide and I watch as the life drains from him.

I wipe the bloody tip on his cloak and head back to my carriage. In passing Smythe, I freeze him in case he is not dead. There must be no witnesses.

I climb atop the front of the carriage and grab the horse's reins. With a quick flick of the reins, I leave the woods and follow the snowy path back to my castle.

Did not mean for that to be so long! Hope you enjoyed it, please comment your thoughts.

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