"Princess," he sighed.

I cried, holding my hands up so I wouldn't have to touch it with my hands. Frank picked me up and carried me inside.

"Susan!" Frank shouted when he tracked mud into the house.

He set me down, going to chase after the dog. He put him in his cage when he finally caught him before coming back over to pick me up.

"Daddy, I'm dirty," I cried.

"I know, princess." He said.

"I don't like dirty," I whimpered.

Frank carried me upstairs and started a hot bubble bath. Thank god, I was so cold I was shivering. Frank undressed me before setting me into the tub and I relaxed a little. Frank cleaned all the mud off me and I smiled.

"Hair too?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's clean off your hair," he said.

He scrubbed my hair with shampoo and I smiled. Everything was so peaceful and calm I started to fall asleep.

Of course it was later on my brilliant idea to do naughty things with Frank. Maybe if we were having sex then I wouldn't be tired anymore.

Frank thrusted into me, moaning quietly. My eyes felt so heavy, I closed them for a second. That second turned out to be longer when I opened my eyes to him putting my diaper on me.

"D-did I fall asleep?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, baby, you did," he said.

I whined, pushing his hands away.

"No diaper, you didn't finish," I grumbled.

"Yeah I did, I jerked myself off," Frank said. "Come on, you wouldn't take a nap today and you've hardly ever slept for the past two days. Let me put your diaper on you so you can get some rest."

I whined, trying to fight him but I couldn't. Frank put my diaper on me and cuddled up by my side.

"I love you," he said. "And you need to get some rest, understand."

"I don't want the dream," I whimpered.

"Baby, I'll be right by your side until you wake up," Frank promised. "Nothing is going to happen to me."

"Won't leave?" I asked sleepily.

Frank kissed my forehead before slowly falling asleep.

The next morning I was relieved to find Frank laying beside me perfectly healthy. He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead.

"I had a wittle accident," I whispered.

"That's okay, baby boy," he said.

I sighed, resting my head on his chest. His fingers ran through my hair and I smiled.

"You're so nice to me," I said happily.

Frank chuckled, wrapping an arm loosely around my waist.

"Well, are you expecting me to be mean or something?" He asked.

"No, I just like how nice you are," I said.

"How little are you?" Frank said.

"Weally wittle," I replied.

He smiled, kissing the top of my head.

"Alright, let's get some food into this little's tummy," he said.

Frank tickled my stomach and I laughed as I squirmed in his arms. He helped change me from my dirty diaper to a clean pair of panties.

"Pancakes!" I exclaimed happily.

We went downstairs and I watched him cook. He handed me a plate with a pancake in the shape of Mickey Mouse.

"I love your pancakes," I said. "They're yummy."

"Thank you, Baby boy," Frank said, giving me a kiss as he sat down next to me with a plate of regular circle pancakes.

"You got boring pancakes," I said.

"You want grapes or raspberries?" Frank asked.

"Raspberries," I said.

Frank got some raspberries and put them on both our plates. I used syrup to make a face on the Mickey Mouse shaped pancake.

"Look, daddy, it's Mickey!" I exclaimed.

He smiled, kissing my cheek.

"You're so cute," Frank said.

I giggled happily, holding his hand while I ate.

"Frank," Pete said from the doorway.

Frank sighed, putting his fork down.

"I have to go work, baby," he said. "I'll see you in a bit."

I pouted as he gave me a kiss before leaving. I looked at his food, which was barely eaten. I ate quietly by myself until I finished and cleaned up our plates.

I went upstairs and opened up my suitcase full of toys. I grabbed some little cars and giggled. They were little Hot Wheel race cars that Frank bought me and I thought they were so cool.

I made little engine noises, driving it over the dresser. I giggled, watching the tires roll. There were voices coming up from the vent and I pressed my ear to it curiously.

"He's hurting Patrick," Pete said.

"I know, Pete, I'm sorry," Frank said.

"Gerard can just go home for a little bit, he won't be hurt," he said.

"You want to take my baby from me?" Frank asked. "If he goes then I don't think I'll ever get him back."

"They're hurting Patrick and they aren't going to stop unless they have Gee," Pete said.

"He's my baby, we're going to get married," Frank stated.

"Patrick is being hurt, Frank, you've seen the pictures," Pete said. "Gerard can go home and he'll be perfectly fine."

"You'd be willing to give up my baby?" Frank asked. "I thought you were my best friend."

"He's being hurt," Pete said in a quiet, pained voice.

I frowned as I pulled away and grabbed my phone.

"Dad, can you come pick me up?" I said quietly.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," he said.

"Bring Patrick too," I said.

I hung up, packing up a suitcase with all my stuff. I looked down at my engagement ring sadly. I considered leaving it on the dresser but kept it instead. I took a photo of me and Frank before walking outside. The car pulled up and I bit my lip sadly.

"Gee, wh-what are you doing?" Patrick asked as he was pulled out of the trunk.

He was all beaten and bloody and bruised. I sniffled, giving him a hug.

"Tell Frank I love him," I whispered.

As I was getting into the backseat, I heard noises and shouting.

"Baby!" Frank screamed. "Baby no!"

My dad shut the door before getting in and driving off. I sobbed, watching him chase after the car until we were too far away.

Rebel Princess (Rebel Series Book Two/frerard)Where stories live. Discover now