the break up of paragraphs

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this one is pretty self-explanatory:

• a paragraph that is too long should be broken up so it is easier to read.

• if it is too long- then the reader usually skims over parts in the middle. sometimes important details are written and never paid attention to because of this.

As well as paragraphs that are written to long, run-on sentences is another thing an author wants to avoid. (As a plus, when revising paragraphs/chapters in general, try to add new phrases and different symbols, i.e.: ... or - or ; or () or !)

When you're trying to build character, the way someone speaks or thinks (aka their dialect) can be communicated in the way that an author writes.

for example:

Today I was walking down the street when this blonde guy which really looks brown with blue eyes approached me.

Compared to

Today, I was walking down the street when this blonde guy (whose hair really looks brown) with blue eyes approached me.

Not too much of a difference, but there's a contrast between the two that is detectable. Now if we implement this paragraph into a small one and a big one, the format of dialect becomes totally different.


Today, I was walking down the street when this blonde guy (whose hair really looks brown) with blue eyes approached me. His footsteps were apparent by the way he walked. I could basically hear he had a limp. Anyway, he came to ask me where the nearest police station was. It sounded pretty urgent, and since I heard him limp I thought maybe he got hurt by someone bad. Then I went about my day and never thought about him again. Later I was at the park and thought I saw him again.


Today, I was walking down the street when this blonde guy (whose hair really looks brown) with blue eyes approached me.

By the way he walked, his footsteps were pretty apparent. I could basically hear that he had a limp!

Anyway, he came to ask me where the nearest police station was... it sounded pretty urgent, come to think of it now. Maybe he got hurt by someone bad?

Well, as I went about my day I didn't really think about him again, until I thought I saw his lone figure standing at the park...

Hey! Been awhile since I updated here :) hellooooo

P.s. Sorry if I have any mistakes written in here, I'm extremely tired and actually wrote "4am in the afternoon" at one point, lol.

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