cOnstructive criticiSm

261 6 11

Grammar is important ;)

Lemme start off with this one little comment here...

IF someone decides to leave a comment on a Fanfiction (or any book for that matter- Fanfiction is just a general term I use now) saying that you misspelled something or added an extra comma that shouldn't have been there, please don't bash them.

Constructive criticism is one of the greatest gifts a writer can get, and same goes for a reader.

If you are a writer:

Constructive criticism is good because you can improve upon your writing and sound more professional and proper to yourself, as well as to your readers.

If you are a reader:

*Writing a small anecdote here...* Back around four years ago, when I had no idea what in the hell Wattpad was, I was a grammar and spelling freak. I was great at the spelling bee and was praised for my excellent use of grammar in essays...

That all took a turn when I was introduced into Wattpad. After about a year of reading unprofessional- yet very enticing -work, I began to notice that I sometimes couldn't remember the difference between "it's" and "its". I had also began to misspell some words, such as "tomorrow" and "necessary".

When I took a break from Wattpad and started to read books from the library/store, my grammar and spelling definitely improved.

• • •
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that constructive criticism on grammar and spelling is beneficial for both the reader and the writer.

If you are a writer,  correct grammar/spelling helps you and your readers better understand the book. (Plus it gets you more reads!!!)

If you are a reader, correct grammar/spelling can help you with writing at school or work (and other things).

So don't take it wrong the way if someone wants to correct you, most of them truly want to help out.

P.S. if someone gets angry at you for giving some constructive criticism you can kindly tell them to fūck, fúck, fùck, fück, fûck, fuçk, fućk, or fučk off. :)

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