vote or else

69 5 19

frciking vote 553 times, comment 6617 times, and do 3 cart wheels or else I won't post the next chapter and hold your family hostage

woah there, Felicia.

There isn't anything like a nice threat at the end of every chapter for them to post another one :)

Are you confused? I'm confused. Lemme explain.

Ok, so if you're like me, you've been on Wattpad a lot and seen your fair share of everything. But even the most basic of readers know that unfinished stories are the worst especially when there is a cliffhanger.

Now, some authors get writers block, others need to edit their future chapters, some authors die, but there is the very select few that are crazy and hold off their chapters away until they get a certain number of votes and/or comments.

There are a few problems with this...

1) it annoys the reader and might even piss them off. Who wants to be threatened over something they can't control?.......

2) it's frustrating for the reader because it's out of their hands if you don't get enough votes for the next chapter, maybe it sucks in a lot of people's eyes but you still got that one reader

3) it indirectly shows that you have low morals. Writing is a passion for many people, as is reading. If you are only in it for the votes or are only willing to release chapters for votes, it shows that you are striving for attention/popularity. Although that isn't necessarily bad, who wants to support something by someone shallow? Just an opinion.

4) it doesn't bring in many readers. When you write a book, the way you get readers and votes is by updating a lot. The more you post, the more Wattpad advertises the story for you. So, the more chapters you have ready for posting, the more reads/votes/comments you will get in return.

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