Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight.


I rushed out the cold place, they've been doing this to me. Exel, was asking for my Hand? Is he crazy? He is a playboy isn't he? I can't believe he was my Crush since then. Apple was probably hating him now.

"I can't believe this." I muttured holding my forehead by my palm, this isn't right. I know, I like him, but as a crush not as a serious matter. He was so desperate on being playboy.

I went to Apple's house. I clicked the doorbell 3 times before their butler came out, sweating and panting.

"What happen?" He cleared his throat and fixed his tuxido. Apple's butler is really handsome but, He's not such one of a Type. "Sorry, We've been training Ma'am. I'll call Ma'am Apple right away." He rushed out.

I sighed. I waited for Apple to come but no, Rain drops were slowly dropping in the tip of my Nose bridge. I touched the drop, and tried to cover my head with my hand. If only, I can rush inside.

"(Name)? Oh sorry! Come inside!" Called Apple Waving her hand inside the Gate. I nodded and ran as much as I could to avoid the upcoming rain.

When we went inside, the butler approaches her and she asigned him to give us our drinks.

Her house was really like, all the Woman's dream. She has this chandelier that is from Canada and some New york's souvenirs given by her OFW dad. Her mom was on her office, I wonder where her Sister, Jen is.

We sat down at the couch as the Maid gave us our Juice. She fixed her eyes at me and cleared her throat. "What happen? Why'd you rushed in my house? Are you okay?" She suddenly asked, looking all concered. It's hard to deny my problems to her. Like, so Much. >->

"Cuz.. Cuz'... Argh. I don't know how to say it, I've been out of it lately, and I don't want to recall it. Can we not talk about It? It's causing me headache." She smiled weakly and suddenly agreed what I've said.

"By the Way, Ivan will be here any minute now. We'll do our project about technology, you can invite Mark over so you have someone to flirt -- talk with :D." Apple wide-eyed smile me. She grinned and stood up from the couch.

"D-amn it, Can't I watch cartoons here? Mom will be out for a minute, She'll be going to the Market to pick up our foods. I don't want Mark here. He'll destroy my mood even more." I made my legs crossed and picked up the remote.

"Whatever, Just don't be so Noisy." Apple warned and walked upstairs. I turned the TV on and connected it with their Cable. I liked watching kpop channels so I've turned it that way. 

The Sudden actions lately, flashed to my mind. I rushly avoided them by swaying away my thoughts. My mind can't forget about that Crap.

Who was that Guy?

I silently, watched the TV when the door creaked open. It was Ivan with his folders and billboards. He's wearing a cap and a wide smile.

"Where's apple?" He asked me walking upon my direction. I pointed out to upstairs and continued watching while my Legs are in the table infront. "What are you doing anyways?" I asked looking at the Materials he was carrying.

"We're doing our project. How about you a Mark? Haven't you, already decided what to do about your report?" He suddenly asked. To think about it, Mark wasn't online lately and he always became so busy so we often meet up.

"We haven't."

"Oh, I have more thoughts." My excitement grew up. When it's coming to ideas, Ivan has the best one. He's been helping me with almost all my projects. When he gave me idea, the scores got really shy around me. Thanks to him, I contained my high grades. "What is it?"

"It's about history. Me and Apple was also thinking on choosing that idea but she thought about technology since she knew alot of them. Mark knew alot when it comes to History. It may help you improve your teamwork when you're both good at it. Besides, we can have our group project together. So we can share ideas. Is it that okay?" I was speechless.

"You're genius!" I complimented.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. "I know."

"What kind of ideas?" I asked. He chuckled at my sudden question.

"Histories like in foods, places or some events. I recommend you, Britney, My cousin. She's a smarty @ss from her school. You can ask her, I have her number, by that, You'll get your dream grades." He smiles at me.

"Thanks a lot."

"No worries, now call apple. Before this Materials get rotten." He joked. I laughed and called Apple from upstairs. Thanks to, Ivan. I may now have my assumed grades.

* *

"This and here, You may not have 98, thanks to this designs. Anyways, I've also searched for the coolest technology report. And this may suit you well, you can describe all your gagdgets when we have time." Ivan explained pointing out his works.

I can see, Apple was impressed. Ofcourse, if I was that person, I may have jumped and hugged him. Ivan grabbed a pen, and started writing.

They've worked on their very precious artwork about technology.

"D-amn, you draw like an artist." Ivan complimented and started grabbing the colored materials.

"Thanks :)." Apple blushed.

This partner, becames a Couple, I guess they've suit each other.

* *


This stupid car, won't work. I'm stuck here for what I know, this is a long place back to my house. Many peoples always gets stuck here because when it rains, muddy road will awaits. That's what they said.

I've been out of my mind lately, that stupid project always kills me. If only (Name) was smart. I'll not be a dumpster here, thinking of what to do.

"Oh? Hey, Mark."

A Female voice surprised me. She peeked into the window, she smiles as I opened the window. It's raining, so she was holding her umbrella. Yes, what a cruddy luck, it's Ailee, my dearest and most flirty friend I've known. You may not know her that much. But I do.

"Stupiddy Rain, isn't it? Don't worry, I'll help you, " She flirted. See? Now why I said this is a cruddy luck >->

"No. I don't want it."

I started to on the engine, but I forgot I've lost all my Gas. This is so much suffer I can bear. "Why are you here anyways?" I asked. My tone was not that calm.

"Oh well, Many boys asked me lately, they said they wanted to date me~ but I rejected their offers, since I have you :* How I missed you so much. Mom also told me to go to your house, but what a suprise. I've seen you before I went into your mansion." She winked. This Girl. Aish.

"Leave me alone, Ailee. Stay away. I don't want a gate in my house. Kay'? Move out." She didn't said a word. Thank goodness, the engine turned on. I'll leave her there since it's no use to talk with her.

* *

A/N: Sorry for the Late UD every weekend I update. But sometimes not, sorry for the short UD tho, I wish I can write ideas more since I've been losing one. Sorry for no YOONGI x YOU part. But I guess next chapter will be, the problem is, You're angry with Yoongi so how will I write a moments with you? Oh well, ^^ be satisfied. I'll update as fast as I could. Thankies~

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