Chapter Four

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"Remember, Cold guys sometime are mesmerizing hot <3."
                                               -- Apple.


Chapter Four // Min Yoongi x Reader //


I've rushed out of the Mall and then out of the bench, and walked to go to my house. Apple, didn't even followed me I believe she was there squealing her heels off.

There was this Man who approaches me and he seems nice so I think of him as a friend. He helped me to change my mood a bit, but Exel came and took my nervous back.

"Sweetie? Is something wrong?" Asked Mom still looking at her news paper. I stared at her newspaper a moment and resist.


"You sure? Is it a boy Again?" What is that 'Again'? Mom, is very suspicious why'd she put an 'again' for that sentence? Maybe, because I have almost 3 boyfriends already.


"You kid, Wait til' dad know this." She threatened smirking, she's my mom, so I gave up.

"Fine. Boy." I gave up, which when, I heard her chuckle and gave me a backstabbing stare so I raised my eyebrows, confused.

"You, Kid. Boys merely accept things ok? Girls often do the fighting back and Jealousy. You should keep your head up and don't be related to the topic involving others." Mom said.

Ohmyghad, Mom Just said that, did she? Is she starting to feel a bit of a teenager? "Mom, Thanks. But, I don't need those." Fake smile, because nor my dad can't react to this.

"Ow, But I wanted to help my, Angel." She sweetly spoke. Now she speaks like my Grandma. How tough is she?

"I'll take a step up."

As I walked upstairs, I can see Mom, laughing behind her palm, so I started regretting, telling my problem to her.

I jumped in my bed and lay down, peacefully, as I lay down my eyes at the ceiling, which was staring back at me.

All I could hear is The wind from our aircon, which is not surprising.

I picked up my phone and started texting my cousin, Amvie, back to canada.

"Amvie, I really need a hand. I can't keep still here." -(Name)

While I was keeping up my thoughts and trying to figure out what's happening, My phone beeps. Faster than I expected.


Dumbass, Is she really a cousin? I'm sure she is busy, by her short words, it's too obvious, she's ignoring me to talk to her so much.

"Boys, Now I know you hated them, but since I know that, may I know what advice can you give me? Well, no pervert things or other related topics okay? Mind the thoughts about boys that.. I think.. is.. abit.. bad?"

Now, I hate my words.

I decided to call Amvie, but now I know why'd I regret to ask her.

+ +

"Attendance is a must." Next day, Ou teacher told us about picture taking in our IDS now, worst is it.

"Nooo." Apple whined, stepping aside her bag.

"I know." I answered back leaning against the wall, I'm near the window since I've requested it for my own place to take a shade on.

"As if I wanted to post my Face on IDS again." She sighed and took out her pretty mirror, to start picturing and Dreaming about herself. "Exel, also wanted to escape it." She said.

Oh yeah, Forgot. Yesterday, Apple and I became Friends and set aside our problems, I listened to her explanation and now, I've known why Exel back hug her.

"Stupidish is it? Why are you even concern about that bastard." I clench my Teeth to make sure she'll see how angry I'am.

"He is my Friend and yours, Ofc. I'll be." Tch. Now I know why she loves that hug, I don't take a bite of it tough, they can even kiss, Not that I don't want it.

"Lets go?"

I picked my Bag and rushed out of the classroom to go straight at the cafeteria.

Once we got there, their were lines of students and Teachers ordering foods at the counter.

"Oh, Cool. No we've got no seats." Apple muttered rolling her eyes at the students, straightforwardly.

"Let's grab a nice Fiz, okay? We don't need soft drinks anyways." I explained still looking at the lines. Now, it became larger, when many more students came.

Now we're stuck.

"Shittt." Apple cursed.

"C'mon, It's a small pile of them, I can see the exit, alright?" But deep inside, I'm panicking. Being stuck on an enormous lines of students were very scary.

We tried to get out of the canteen but a Guy started to grab our arms and pulled us out of the Lane. Now, We're outside of it.

Apple was panting, while I looked at the Person who looked like the same Guy like yesterday.

"Thanks." I bowed and Didn't tried to make an eye contact.

The Guy was probably, that guy in the bench. "Why are u so mean? I'm sorry, Mister. Thank you anyways." Apple apologized, I started to nag her to follow me far away from him.


Nooo.. I don't seem to like him.

"Yes?" -Apple ^^

"I'm - "

"No need." I said, and walked away.

+ +

Woah, How mean are u? You just stopped him from introducing, I'll take you a Guess who it is, But one surely clue: It's not Min Yoongi. ^^ kay'?

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