# 3 - Hephaestus' craft.

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In ancient times, the many gods lived in volcanoes and controlled and protected Fire

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In ancient times, the many gods lived in volcanoes and controlled and protected Fire.

Hephaestus saw one such god, the keeper of FIRE, and the forger of metals for the Greek Gods. We also know him as Vulcan, who was the FIRE god for the Romans. He was born of Hera and Zeus, becoming the God of Metal Smiths and FIRE. Hard-working, he tended the fires of the volcano Olympus. He was rough and strong. When Hephaestus pounded his hammer, the bang traveled for miles.

With his bellow and hammer, he fused the jewels in gold and silver for the crowns owned by the Greek gods and goddesses. His wife was Aphrodite to the Greeks and Venus to the Romans; she was the goddess of beauty and love. She visited Hephaestus at his metal shop, where he presented her with jewels necklaces.

Once, he sided with his mother, Hera, who argued his father, Zeus. Angry Zeus seized Hephaestus by the leg and threw him off of Mount Olympus. Thetis, a gentle sea goddess, found him all broken and bruised. She bound his wounds and nursed him back to health.

Zeus forgave him, and Hephaestus returned to Olympus. After his fall, Hephaestus crippled. Although his body was healthy, and his hands held skills, his weak legs did not support him. He built two robots of gold and silver to serve him. They had mechanical brains, that thought and spoke.

The One-Eyed Cyclops were metalsmiths inside his volcano. They worked his bellows and swung the heavy hammers. When they smacked their hammers, sparks flew from the volcano.

The Olympic Gods were very fond of Hephaestus. And the humans desired Hephaestus' FIRE, the precious metals, jewels, and hammers; they wanted to forge their gold, silver, and own FIRE'S warmth and LIGHT for the darkness.


The  information below is from a website Wiki Category, Gods of Fire:

"Loki is the Norse god of mischief, as well as of fire. He is referred to as the blood-brother of Odin. Loki's mischief and intellect are not to be underestimated, as he is indirectly responsible for the death of Thor. In the beginning, Loki was merely a personification of hate. As the stories went on, he became a devil. Sources indicated that Loki was originally a demon; he born to two giants. Loki, as a result of sharing blood with Odin, who is actually Thor's step-uncle, not his brother." http://mythology.wikia.com/wiki/Loki

"The Phoenix is a mythical, sacred firebird that can be found in the mythologies of the Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Chinese, Japanese, Phoenicians, Hindu and other cultures. The Phoenix is a mythical bird that is the true spirit of fire with a colorful plumage, a tail of gold or yellow and red, and eyes as blue as sapphires. Egyptians say the Phoenix is the spirit of Ra because its fire was so fierce. It has a 500 to a 1,000-year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of incense and sacred materials that it then ignites; the bird burned fiercely reduced to ashes, from which the new, young phoenix arises, reborn anew to live a better life than the previous." http://mythology.wikia.com/wiki/Phoenix

"The Simargl is either a winged dog or a winged lion (usually a dog). It can be any breed of dog and any breed of a lion. The Simargl can fly, and they are quick and agile. They can control all means of fire (as they are the gods of it) and they are strong and smart. The Simargl is from East Slavic mythology, and is the God of physical fire (unlike Svarog who is God of celestial fire), and is depicted as a winged dog or lion." http://mythology.wikia.com/wiki/Simargl

"Hestia was the virgin Goddess of the Hearth of the Greeks, fire, home, family, protection, architecture, domesticity and virginity. At the hearth of every Greek house was placed an altar for sacrifice, where the first part always went to Hestia. With Zeus' permission, Hestia pledged to remain a virgin divinity, in line with Artemis and Athena. Hestia had no personal emblem for herself, signifying her modesty; the hearth and its fire sufficed for her. Instead of a regal throne, Hestia sat on a plain chair with a woolen cushion. Hestia had a place amongst the Olympians, she gave up her seat in favor of Dionysus." http://mythology.wikia.com/wiki/Hestia

"Agni is the Hindu god of fire, sacrifices, and priests acting as the channel for offerings. He is represented with two heads, one of which symbolizes immortality. His mount is a ram. He is the son of Aditi, and husband of Svaha, who is the daughter of Daksha. http://mythology.wikia.com/wiki/Agni

Check out other gods of FIRE:




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