Chapter 18

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Ryan's POV

I didn't get much of a chance to talk to Tyler before the game because we don't have any classes together and he spent his lunch time with his own friends. None of my own friends were at this game because I couldn't be bothered trying to convince them.

Our team was on the court and I glanced at Tyler. We caught eyes and I offered him a slight smile which he returned. The game started so I pulled my laptop onto my lap and started to type.

Once the game started I could see that Tyler was less nervous. He was playing well and I could see how his mind was working and the avenues that he was seeing and once again I could see that he was using the things that we had been talking about.

Half time approached faster than it should have and soon enough the players were off the court for the break. I started to review the stats and notes that I've already made. It all looked pretty good so I closed my laptop and focused on the court.

Coach was telling the players something and they were standing around him and listening intently. I didn't get a chance to think much because the break finished and the players jogged back onto the court.

The game ended in a win and Tyler had had a really good game. As I packed up I noticed he was talking to a professional looking person and I was hopeful that it was a college scout. I continued to sit there as everyone else left so that I could finish typing what I was thinking about.

The arena was completely empty now that the crowd had filtered out and the teams had disappeared into the locker room. I'd already typed up all the stats but I liked to write out my notes before I forgot about it.

I knew that they would want to close the gym up so I closed my laptop and headed out. I didn't feel like going home yet since no one was going to be home so I headed to one of the cafes nearby that was still open at this time.

I ordered a hot chocolate and piece of lemon cake before settling at one of the corner tables.

I continued to write my notes. I had mostly finished the notes on the opposition and was starting on our team. The last person that I wrote about was Tyler and then I shut my laptop. I finished my drink and continued to sit there.

Since there was no one sitting opposite me I had time to think. Christmas was not long away and soon it would be into the new year and college isn't far away. I've already been asked by a few people what I'm thinking of doing next year and I don't know.

I like maths and stats but I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it and even if I was then where I wanted to go. It was a lot of pressure and I wasn't sure. I had watched all three of my brothers go off and it was really easy because they had basketball scholarships so it was mostly already made. None of them stayed at college for all four years either.

In the end I just leant back against the wall and closed my eyes before calming my breathing. This wasn't the first time that I had freaked out about college.

I was sitting there with my eyes closed for a few minutes when I sensed someone sitting down opposite. I opened my eyes to see Tyler sitting there.

"I thought that you would be out with your team," I said softly.

"I was but I was heading home and felt like something sweet to eat and then I saw you sitting here," he explained.

I nodded and closed my eyes for a minute more because I didn't really feel like dealing with anyone at the moment, even Tyler.

"Are you alright? You seem a little out of it," he asked.

"It's alright. How is your team?" I asked, moving the conversation away from me.

He talked for a little while about what they had done after the game and then he suddenly realised something.

"A scout from UCLA was at the game and he liked my play. He wants to talk to me a bit more but he said he thought that if I wanted to they would offer me a scholarship," he smiled.

I smiled and then high-fived him across the table.

"See I told you that you would do well," I told him.

He smiled more but it didn't help calm me down. It was just another person who knew what they were doing for college already. I rested my head on the table and closed my eyes.

"Ryan, honestly, what the matter?" he asked again.

I sat up slowly and looked at him. I didn't know what to tell him and what to keep to myself.

"I'm just worried about next year and it's starting to stress me out," I admitted slowly.

He stood up and at first I thought that he was going to leave but he moved around so that he was sitting beside me instead of opposite me. I was even more surprised when he rested his arm around me and I felt his hand rubbing against my shoulder.

"It's alright Ryan. Lots of people don't know what they are doing," he assured me.

"I know but my brothers all knew where they were going and knew what they were doing and people are putting so much pressure on me to decide and then are telling me that I should get a scholarship but I can't even decide what I want to do," I complained.

He didn't say anything but his hand continued to run up and down on my shoulder.

"How nervous are you about this?" he asked.

"Very nervous."

"Is it giving you anxiety?"

I shrugged slightly and I think that Tyler realised that it meant yes.

"Ok, you are going to stop doing work for today and we are going to go home so you can sleep," he told me.

I nodded slightly. I didn't move as he packed up my laptop and rest of my books back into my bag. Once he was done he wrapped an arm around me and we headed out together. We didn't talk much as we walked.

I felt comfortable so close to Tyler and he didn't force me to talk anymore which I needed. Luckily he knew where I lived because I was too stuck in my own thoughts to realise where we were. I only really realised when Tyler pushed the door open.

"Tyler, it's good to see you again," Mom said.

"You too, Mrs Moore," Tyler smiled.

"You are a bit later than I thought you would be," she said.

I shrugged and Tyler laughed slightly.

"Anyway, Ryan looks like he about to fall asleep."

Mom laughed and I felt Tyler help me up the stairs. He pushed my door opened and I collapsed face first on the bed because I was exhausted now.


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The Wise One

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