Chapter 15

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Ryan's POV

I texted Tyler a bit more about our possible training on Saturday but I was still surprised when I saw him heading towards our small group on the field.

I started this training group a couple of years ago after I was training at the park and Hailey noticed me and asked to join me. Slowly we added a couple of members and so most weeks we would have ten or so.

"Guys, this is Tyler. He is going to be joining us today," I said.

"Does he know anything about our training?" Cody asked.

"No, so let's see how it goes," I smirked.

Tyler paled slightly at the laughs around him.

"What have I got myself into?" he asked.

I just laughed and didn't say anything.

"So, we are just going to do our usual training and I'll explain it to Tyler as we go," I said.

We all started to warm up together and Tyler copied the rest of us. We started with our usual exercises and Tyler managed to keep up quite well. We had ten exercise stations and each was two minutes. They ranged from push ups to pull ups to footwork exercises.

We were all breathing heavily once we finished and we had one last thing for the session.

"You all know what we are going to end with," I teased.

The rest of the group groaned and Tyler looked confused.

"For Tyler who doesn't know that is two laps around the field then 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats, 200 crunches and then another four laps around the field," I explained.

He paled slightly but didn't say anything and we all started running. I'd been doing this particular set for a while but it still took everything out of me. I had headphones in and tuned everyone else out as I started to work.

I was the first one through my two laps and started on the pull-ups. I made sure to pace myself through them as I was already tired from our earlier exercises but the sooner I got through them the sooner I could collapse on the ground.

I got through all the pull ups before dropping down onto the ground. I slowly made it through the other three exercises before starting the four laps. It was slow, barely more than a jog but I had to keep myself moving.

I finally finished and did collapse on ground. After lying there for a minute I sat up and watched everyone else. Most of the group were spread at different areas around the park as they ran their laps.

I high-fived everyone as they stopped and joined me on the ground. Tyler was about half through the group and sat down right beside me.

"I think that you kill me," he moaned.

I just laughed because everyone says that after they first join us and do this. He head ended up on my knee as he stretched out on the ground. I let him lie there as the rest of the group joined us.

"Good work today this week. I'll see you all next week," I said.

"Thanks for the session," Ben smiled.

I nodded and slowly the group disbanded as everyone headed off. Tyler and I stayed on the ground and he had his eyes closed so I wasn't a hundred percent convinced that he wasn't asleep.

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep in the sun as well and I had to blink a couple of times and shook Tyler's shoulder slightly. He groaned but sat up.

"I really should have asked a couple more questions and figured out what I was getting into," he moaned.

I laughed again before standing up and offering him a hand.

"I'm going to get lunch if you want to come," I offered.

He looked at me for a moment before nodding and standing up. We didn't talk much as he followed me out of the park and to the usual place that I go for lunch. It was earlier than most people would get lunch so we could both order and could claim a table.

"How did you start this?" Tyler asked.

I explained how Hailey came up to me in the park one day and wanted to join me. Slowly more people joined us until we reached the group of this size.

"That's really cool. Do you do the same thing every week?"

"Most weeks are similar but they aren't exactly the same. Sometimes people come with something that they want to do but it's mostly me," I said.

"It's really cool what you are doing."

"Well, it's not really any harder than me training by myself and I like the company."

"True but it must be a lot of fun trying to murder everyone," he mocked.

I laughed but didn't get chance to say anything because our food arrived and we were both starving. I tucked into my food since I was starving and it didn't take me long to finish it. Tyler was swallowing the last mouthful before looking up at me.

"Have you got anything planned after this?" he asked.

"No, I don't think so," I said softly.

"Do you want to come around and play video games or something?" he asked.

I didn't have anything to do so I nodded. We both stood up and headed out together. I was pretty sure I knew how to get to his house but I just followed him so I didn't go the wrong way.

"My Mom is out with my sister so no one is going to be home," he said as he pushed the door open.

I nodded and we headed into the lounge. He turned the TV on and handed me a remote. Mario Kart came up and I smiled.

"I love this game."

"Me too so have fun beating me," he teased.

We were both very competitive so his family came home to us bickering on the couch as we played. He was elbowing me trying to knock me off the course but I stayed on and won.

"It's good to see you two having fun," his Mom teased.

"Mom, we didn't hear you come in," Tyler smiled.

"No, you were having too much fun. Ryan, do you want to stay for dinner?" she asked.

"No, I should probably head home. I'll see you later Tyler," I said.

He nodded and clapped me on the back. I smiled at him and grabbed my bag from the floor as I headed out. I had had a lot of fun hanging out with Tyler. He was a really good person and I liked hanging out with him.

It was think about that that I realised I was fucked and I knew what Jordan had been talking about and I was definitely fucked.


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The Wise One

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