Chapter 16

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Ryan's POV

I had known that I was gay for a couple of years. My family knew and my friends knew so that wasn't a problem. I'd seen guys that I'd find attractive but no one that I really thought about dating. That was until Tyler.

I had known that Tyler was attractive since I met him. He plays a lot of basketball for God's sake. I hadn't realised when we started studying together how close we would become and that I would fall for his personality.

He's always nice to me and friendly to my friends as well as being fun and good with his sister. Fuck. Jordan had seen his coming. I wasn't stupid enough to say anything to him. He would gloat so much. I wasn't going to say anything to Tyler either. I could deal with my stupid crush.

I couldn't tell you exactly when I figured out that I was gay. It was a couple of years ago now. It was pretty boring really. I realised that I wasn't attracted to girls like my friends were. I talked to Jordan a lot and then my other two friends and my family.

I had collapsed on the bed and was staring at the ceiling. Mom and Dad were downstairs and I could vaguely hear their voices but I couldn't make out the words.

After a couple of more minutes lying there I stood up and headed down in search of food.

"How was your day?" Mom asked.

"Pretty good. Had the usual training session so that was a good work out," I smiled.

We talked about my training a bit more. Mom was always worried that I might seriously hurt my back but I was pretty sure I wouldn't. I knew why she worried but when my back started acting up I talked to a physician but what I could and couldn't do and I listened to that.

"How was your day?" I asked to get the conversation away from me.

They had gone out for some business lunch that was relatively boring but I let them talk.

"And Dan called and said that he has a couple of days off to come and visit," Mom added.

Dan was my oldest brother and played for the Wizards. Jason was the second oldest and plays for the Celtics so they played each a bit. I hadn't really seen either of them since before the season started because they often don't have the time to make it home.

"That's really cool. It will be cool to see him again," I smiled.

I missed my brothers a lot. I loved having them around but they had slowly left to go play basketball at college and then in the case of Dan and Jason in the NBA.

The visit ended up being the next day. I wandered downstairs and found him leaning against bench, sipping a cup of coffee.

"I wasn't expecting to see you today," I said softly.

"I thought I'd come early. Do you want some?" he asked gesturing to the jug.

I shook my head and sat down on the bench beside him.

"How are you?" he asked.

I talked to him a little bit about my friends and my school work. I couldn't talk about what I've been doing without mentioning Tyler and I knew that he was going to ask me about it and he held up his end of the deal.

"And who is Tyler?"

"He's a guy that I've been tutoring in maths. We've been spending a lot time together," I told him.

"Is he cute?" he asked.

I didn't say anything but I was pretty sure that I blushed because Dan laughed.

"Oh, Ry, has a crush," he teased.

I scowled at him and he laughed more. I jumped off the bench and moved around the kitchen to make breakfast. Dan and I continued to talk as I made food but it was mostly about what he was doing now.

I was still sitting at the table when Jordan walked in. He would just wander in and out and smiled when he saw Dan sitting beside me.

"Danny, it's good to see you," he smiled.

"Jordy, it's good to see you too."

Jordan grabbed some toast off my plate and I listened to the two of them catch up.

"So, what isn't Ryan telling me about Tyler?" Dan asked.

"Ooh, so you know about Tyler?"

"Of course, Ry can't keep anything from me."

"He's a basketball player who Ryan tutors in maths. It turned into spend a lot of time together. They are quite close," Jordan said.

Dan was heading out not long later because he was meeting friends leaving me alone with Jordan since my parents had headed out before I got up. We moved from the kitchen into my room and Jordan joined me on the bed.

"So, do are you admitting that you have a crush on Tyler?" he smirked.

I blushed bright red and buried my face in my pillow.

"I told you so," he teased.

I didn't lift my face from the pillow and I jumped slightly when I felt his hand on my back. After a minute I slowly lifted my head before looking at Jordan.

"What do I do about it?" I asked softly.

"That's up to you. I just get to say that I was right."

"Why am I friends with you?" I asked.

"Because you looooove me," he teased.

I didn't say anything and for a few more minutes we just stayed like that in silence. Jordan still had his hand up against me, calming me down.

"Thanks for being here," I whispered.

"Even when you are being stupid I'm still your best friend," he teased.

I laughed slightly and slowly sat up.

"Did you come over for anything in particular?" I asked.

"To stop you being an idiot?" he questioned.

I raised an eyebrow and he laughed. We stopped talking about Tyler and started doing other things but I knew that it was something that would be on my mind for a while now.


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