Chapter 6: The chipped cup

Start from the beginning

-Thank you, she said very surprised by this magic. She then started to work without delay.


The alarm clock rang, awakening Belle from her deep sleep. She reached for the alarm to turn off the ringing that pierced her ears. She realized that the book was still open on her lap. She had probably fallen asleep the night before while reading. She put it back gently. Today was a decisive day. The problem was that she still had not made a decision concerning the proposal of Mr. Gold. The more she thought about it, the less she knew. She decided it would be wise to talk to Granny. She dressed quickly, then went down to the restaurant.
A few people were already sitting at the tables. Most of them with a cup of coffee and newspaper in hand. Belle sat at the bar, trying to call Granny who was in the kitchen.

-Granny, I must speak to you.

-Yes, of course my darling, what’s going on?

-Well ... I was offered a job. Belle said, a little hesitant.

-This is good news! exclaimed Granny. "And who is it, who had been so kind as to offer you a job? She asked enthusiastically.

-Well ... it's Mr. Gold. Belle finally answered.

Granny did not answer. Mild discomfort settled. The old lady had lost her enthusiasm.

-Listen Belle, you should know that Mr. Gold is not a very respectable man. He is a dangerous and very manipulative man. Explained Granny.

-He is mean to that extent? Belle asked.

-I do not think being employed by him would be the best thing for you. But are you already committed?

-No, I have to be there by 8h 15 if I agree. She replied, glancing at the clock which showed 8:05.

-It is not up to me to decide for you, but I advise you not to go. Granny told her eventually.

Belle was disappointed, but at least Granny had given her a straight answer. Furthermore, seeing how long she had been living here, she had known Mr. Gold for a very long time, and knew what she was talking about.

-I suppose you are right, the young woman said with a sad face.

-Do not worry, you'll find another job! Granny reassured. The latter walked away bringing a dish to a customer. Belle realized that this job was not for her.

It was 8:10 when Mr. Gold prepared to open his shop. He was always very punctual, and especially on the day he was to welcome his new employee. If she came at all. He seemed nervous. He has always managed the shop by his own. And he still did not know why he had offered her a job. But, nevertheless, he was delighted, he could not say why. He put everything back in its place, tidied any object that was not in its place. Then he leaned on the counter. He looked at the clock. It was 8:15. It was time. He turned the sign on the front door so that it would say "open." If she did not arrive shortly, then she would never come. thought Gold. He went behind the counter, staring at the door.
Meanwhile at Granny’s, Belle was still leaning on the bar.

Scarlett then approached the young woman: "I overheard your conversation. I’ve never liked Mr. Gold, but I must admit that with you ... he does not behave like that with others " Scarlett told her. "So even if it seems risky, follow what your conscience tells you."

Belle was surprised by what Scarlett had just said. But it gave her more confidence.

-Are you sure? Why are you not telling me to not go or that it is madness? Belle said, stunned.

- I am just telling you to do, what you think is best for you. Scarlett kindly replied.

Belle looked at the clock. It was time! She had to go quickly, so she would not be late!

After long minutes, Gold had to face facts. She would not come. He should have known better. The gossip about him abounded, particularly at Granny’s. She must have been scared, and preferred to work elsewhere. He would have nonetheless appreciated it if she had accepted his offer. But that was not the case.

Belle hastened out. But when she rose from her seat, she bumped into a client. The contents of her cup of coffee she held, spilling and staining Belle’s skirt.

-Oh I’m sorry, I'm confused! The client exclaimed, who was none other than Madame Mayor.

- Madam Mayor! Belle exclaimed.

-Call me Regina. I'm sorry, how clumsy of me! I have stained your clothes.

Belle could not go like this to Mr. Golds. This Regina could be kind, but talk about bad timing, especially since she had no time to buy new clothes. She only owned the ones she was wearing, the clothes she had been given at the hospital. It was too late now. Mr. Gold no longer expected her, she thought.
Desperate, she went back to her room. A few minutes later, Scarlett knocked on her door. Belle opened the door and saw Scarlett holding clothes.

-Take them, I will lend them to you, I think you’ll need it. She said, handing her the clothes.

Belle would of hugged her. But instead said a huge thank you to her!

The bell of the shop rang. Mr. Gold turned around immediately. It was her, she was there. She had finally come.

-Sorry, I'm terribly late! I will understand if you will not accept me.

-It does not matter. He said to her. "I hire you."

Belle gave him a wonderful smile.

-Come with me I'll show you what you have to do. You will need to dust off all items, check they are securely in place with the price that corresponds to them.

-Agreed, the young woman replied.

Working the shelves full of unusual objects, armed with her feather duster, she started to chase the slightest bit of dust. Behind the counter, Mr. Gold was contemplating his employee at work. The first guests arrived and were surprised by the young woman’s presence. But it didn’t matter what people were thinking, Belle was happy to work here. And she did not regret her choice.

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