"Excuse me, could you tell me where Dr. Fields office is?" I ask a random teen walking down the hallway.

"Yeah, it's down this hall and to the left, first door on the right." She tells me.

"Thanks." I head the way she told me. Once I find the door I knock on it lightly and open the door just a crack.

"Excuse me, are you Dr. Fields?" I ask the man behind the desk.

"Yes I am, and I'm assuming you're uhh," He looks at a piece of paper on his desk. "Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yep, that's me." I smile and nod.

"Great, please take a seat Louis." He points to the chair in front of me as I sit in it. "So how are you liking Holmes Chapel so far?"

"It's great little town, the people are nice and kind. It's a lot different than Doncaster." I say nodding my head and shrugging my shoulders.

"Good, good, that's great to hear. So there are a few papers your parents or legal guardians will have to sign, are they coming in?" He asks handing me the papers.

"Uhh...no they won't be coming." I say quietly.

"Oh so will they be coming later today or tomorrow to sign them?" He asks.

"Actually there's something you should know, I-"

"Hi Dr. Fields I wanted to-" A boy interrupted me walking into the office. He was wearing a dirty white shirt, and jeans. He had chestnut curls for hair, and emerald green eyes. He had two big scars on his face that looked rather fresh, one on his cheek and the other on his forehead. "Oh sorry, I-I didn't know you were busy." He mumbles while looking down.

"Oh no, it's ok, we were just signing papers, nothing urgent. Now what did you need to talk about?" Dr. Fields asks.

"I uh... just, wanted to uhh..nothing." he speeds out quickly and slams the door shut. Something about his voice sounded familiar, but I've only met a few people in this town, and he was definitely not one of them.

"Well ok, sorry about that, continue Louis." Dr. Fields said to me.

"Well, see, the reason a legal Guardian isn't coming is because..."

Harry's POV

Since I stayed at Robin's I had food for today. But it wasn't much, just a loaf of bread and a piece of cheese. But it was better then the nothing I've been having for 3 days. I sat down at my regular table in the back of the cafeteria and opened up my paper towel of cheese and bread. I started eating them together slowly. I savoure the food because who knows when's the next I'm gonna eat?

When I'm done I go outside to make a flower crown, since I lost my most recent one last night. I made it out of daisies again because that's basically the only flower this school has in it's yard.

"Hey faggot!" I shot my head towards the door where Brad and his two friends were standing. "Did you miss me this morning?" I gulp loudly. His friends walk up to me and pick me up. They carry me inside while I cried and screamed. It was no use though because everyone was in the cafeteria, which was at the other end of the school. "No one's gonna hear you scream or cry this time." Brad whispers.

They drag me into an empty classroom and instantly started beating me up. They kicked me in the stomach, and punched me in the face. It hurt even worse than usual because they were hitting the same places Robin hit me last night. They continued to physically hurt me until I was even more black and blue. "You are a worthless piece of shit! I don't even know why you're still alive." He scoffs. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

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