What Ifs

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What if:
Everyone had multiple personalities, and nobody knew? And every other day you would wake up, thinking it was the next day, and so would you other personality. Like,
You: Monday 1
Other: Monday 2
You: Tuesday 2
Other: Tuesday 3
But it's double the days?

What if:
The afterlife is walking in space, and that light you sometimes see is actually a star?

What if:
Babies can't speak when they're born because they have secrets that have yet to fade from their memories?

What if:
Each bad thing happening to you is Fate's way of entertaining itself?

What if:
All animals speak their own language? And humans are the only ones with more than one language per species?

What if:
Cats are planning to take over the world?
(Kitty, I have foreseen your plan!)

What if:
Life hates its job, so it takes it out on everyone else?

What if:
You could see ghosts when you were high?

What if:
Santa Clause was real? Just only gave presents to kids in one city/town and one night a year. Then he died, and parents carried on the tradition, inventing a big, jolly man in order to make the holiday more fun for kids?

What if:
You could ship anyone you wanted and make it come true out of pure will?

What if:
All of your wishes are fulfilled, but to the wrong person?

What if:
Your worst enemy relies on you most?

What if:
Everything you know is a lie?

What if:
Everytime you dream, you're seeing the real world, and when you're awake, you're really asleep?

What if:
Your favorite food didn't exist?

What if:
Humans became endangered?

What if:
We invaded this planet, killed the previous dominate species, and are, therefore, the aliens?

What if:
Witches and werewolves really did exist, but went extinct after the people burned/hung/lynched them all?

What if:
In another two centuries, the average lifespan of mankind is only 50 years or so?

What if:
The sun explodes? (Funnest thing to explain)
Well, everything in the Milky Way would desintigrate before the sun even go close to going supernova. As cool as that would be to see, we'd be dead long before.

What if:
When you get a flood of thoughts and questions in your head, you're really taking thoughts from the people near you?

What if:
The world ended today?

What if:
Perfect people are the exact definition of "human"? They make mistakes and get over it.

What if:
All of your friends secretly hated you and we're plotting your murder?

What if:
Everything you write becomes real in one dimension, so you'd never know?

What if:
The world stopped turning?
(Also super fun to explain)
The sudden force would tear Earth apart. There would be horribly powerful winds all the time, until everything on the surface was in the air or in space.

What if:
Your favorite movie/TV show was real in another dimension?

What if:
No one used money? What if everything was free, people only had to ask to get something?

What if:
We could understand every language?

What if:
Herobrine is Notch trolling players and getting his game more popular?

What if:
You were adopted?
(I'd be so happy. That mean I could officially be adopted by my step dad not have to visit my father anymore!)

What if:
Your birthday was also the day you would die?

What if:
Pasta never existed?

What if:
Your favorite Creepypasta kidnapped you?
(Put a check mark if it's HB ✓)

What if:
You could make any mythical animal out of pillows?!

What if:
666 was the protection from the devil?

What if:
Your bunny turned into a vampire at night and ate gelatin and drank blood?
(TylerTheMinecraftian you have a bunny, right?)

What if:
Your Wattpad username was your real name?

What if:
Everyone you saw on the street with the cardboard signs died the next day if you didn't give them anything?

What if:Everyone you saw on the street with the cardboard signs died the next day if you didn't give them anything?

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