I Wish I'm In Your Heart

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"I love you, and I thank God for the time we've had." - Francis

Toby and Addy had a quick dinner at Kingston Road at Scarborough Bluff. The space within the dining place has the bones of a house, and the furnishings put ones in mind of an older person's living room, complete with bookcases, antics, old records and knick knacks. The decor gave the restaurant a somewhat casual and comfortable vibe. Walls were decorated with old family paintings, probably personally owned. There was a large fireplace in centre which separated the room into two. The atmosphere was warmer despite of the coldness around the region in winter.

Addy was quite surprised with Toby's decision to bring her for that dinner. It was totally unplanned. Even though they admitted to be friends only but deep down in her heart, she sensed Toby was showing his affection indirectly. He just afraid of commitment, she guessed. She just wanted to enjoy the moment and take every opportunity with him. It's pretty obvious now, to be sane (as friends... At least ), they need to be together.

Addy ordered a grilled salmon and California quinoa with avocado salad while Toby had a cauliflower cheese macaroni and squash, feta and bulghar salad. They started with warm mushroom soup and finished their dinner with flourless chocolate lava cake, and Addy personally requested they put one small candle for Toby - for his belated birthday. She still wanted to celebrate with him. She felt guilty since she promised Toby before he left for his vacation to London, before her sudden illness that changed her.

"Toby, make a wish" Addy said gleefully. Toby smiled sweetly to Addy, then chuckled.

"What's so funny Tobes?" Addy surprised.

"Nothing" Toby smiled again then closed his eyes and blew the only candle on the small cake. I wish I'm in your heart, always and forever.

Toby noticed Addy wore the necklace he gave after returning from London after she removed her thick coat and muffler. He glad she loved it. She was looking beautiful under the dim light within the dining room. Her face was glowing with smiles and laughter. Toby couldn't deny she was indeed very beautiful that made him fixed his gaze especially to her beautiful brown like-marble eyes. The more he looked at her that moment, the more he fell in love with her. He felt there will be one time he has to confess he love her seriously, not as friend anymore. He has to wait for the right time. But when?

They had chit chat in between their dinner. Toby told he would come here again in summer if he had another time to play jet skiing and bring his guitar. Addy was quite surprised of Toby's talent. He was quite a shy guy in the set that she did not have the chance to get to know. Addy said she played piano but she was not very good in it, but she had a formal class when she was small. She said to Toby, he must play the guitar for her, at least one time in the future, his favorite song. Toby smiled, agreed and nodded to her.

They reached their trailers an hour later. Before Addy left the car, without hesitant, without giving any warning to Toby, she leaned towards him and kissed his stubby cheeck lightly.

"Thank you for everything, love you..." Addy whispered, almost inaudible in the end. Toby could feel her warm breath that immediately he felt his heartbeat skipped. He looked into Addy's eyes, was about to say something but Addy quickly put her finger on Toby's parted mouth, and whispered softly, "Shh...our secrets. Sleep tight. You've to marry someone tomorrow".

She just smiled adorably in a few seconds, before she walked away from his car, leaving Toby in awe. Toby stayed in his car a few minutes, to regain his senses. He was puzzled and tried to rearrange his feelings. The music in the background from the local radio seemed understand his mixed emotions. He was so happy, so in love, with Addy. He immediately remembered something and quickly scribbled in his small pocketbook - My heart is perfect because you're inside it, always.

The love within the stormNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ