I Will Be By Your Side

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Teddy purred steadily next to him after he was fed that evening. It has been three weeks Teddy stayed with him. He was a good sleeper and a fussy eater, Toby thought. It was almost mid night. He hardly able to sleep. His mind was running back and forth to the sweetest girl in his heart.  Remembering her really warm his heart.

Last week they went back to Ireland to film a few scenes. Coming back to the castle was like tending his old wound and his new found love. He didn't admit any love towards her because he was very afraid being rejected. Watching her from afar was more than enough.

Despite of the busy actor life, his emptiness was unconsciously replaced by images of his new admiration - Addy. He was almost fell asleep that evening with Teddy was steadily grooming himself to no avail...suddenly a message entered within his phone.

Addy message: "Toby, are you still awake?"

Toby was startled and felt his heart beat faster than usual. How did she know I was thinking of her.

"Addy, what's up?" He tried to remain casual.

"Can we walk our cats together tomorrow morning at the nearby park?"

What? He never brought out Teddy outside his trailer. When he went to Ireland, he left Teddy at the nearby pet hotel while Addy left her cat at her friend's house.

"Sure, Addy. I'll see you tomorrow morning at the park. 7.00 am?"

"Yes. See you then"

He tried to close his eyes but her images was kept on playing in his mind. He felt restless that night.

... I'll be at your side against foes seen and unseen, as a friend.... As a friend?... If any real chance between us....


It was a quiet cold Sunday morning. Leaves turned to autumn colour. The air felt damp but it was not raining. Toby arrived early before 7 am with Teddy. What the heck am I doing in early morning. With a cat. Poor Teddy, he was about to take his morning nap but I dragged him to see my love.

He was sitting on a bench at the park. Teddy was carried with a harness but he preferred to stay close to him, purring steadily. He didn't care other people. He just enjoyed the morning.

Toby couldn't help not to feel less excited. He knew deep down inside his heart he wished to see her, admiring her beautiful nose, hair and brown sparkling eyes. Her giggles, her laugh, her smile, the way she shy away when he tried to look into her eyes. She looked so natural in the scene, in all their acts together. Their kisses and their exchanged vows of love and affections. He always said to her... It was just an act. But the truth was he was trembling inside, feeling trapped within his own emotions and happiness, alone.

"... I'm yours... truly..." Image of her coming so close that he felt she just inch away from his face. Heart beat faster -


A female voice startled him, woke him up in his sweet daydream. It was Addy who was walking towards him with her cat, Ranma. She was wearing her white tee with a word Ranma, a worn out blue denim jacket and loose pants - she was just being very casual that morning. No make-up and her hair was in simple ponytail. And yet she looked adorable.

"You're still sleepy, Tobes" She smiled.

He opened his right eyes, more like a squint, smiling to her.

"No I'm not. I'm thinking" Toby said.

"Aha... Without knowing your cat is already chasing my Ranma?" Addy said.

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