No Relationship Is Ever A Waste Of Time

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The meeting room was almost full with casts and crews except Addy and a few female casts who needed extra grooming and make up.

Toby was sitting next to Torr, Caitlin and Anna. He was reading the script quietly for the last 10 minutes, while three of them was actively discussing something interesting. All he could hear was about surprise, birthday and laughter.

Last night was a disaster. He had another fight with Tess. I couldn't believe her sincerity. Mike was my best friend since I met him in the drama college. Because I was busy filming Reign, she just said she was bored and need to be accompanied in between her schedule as make-up artist. And she turned to his best friend, more than a friend, in Mike's apartment. I feels cheap and cheated. She left in a hurry, crying and me too.

Tess made a wild guess between him and Addy. She suspected that he already built a relationship with Addy behind her since filming in Ireland. He denied because it was true. However, she can't believe at all. The only thing he didn't tell Tess was his true feelings toward Addy recently.

... No relationship is ever a waste of time. If it didn't bring me what I want, it teaches me what I didn't want...

"Are you okay mate?" Torr just tapped his shoulder. He was drowning in his depression but tried very hard not to show anyone.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Nothing. Just a bit sleepy, " Toby said, smile a bit, and making himself comfortable on the chair.

" Aha, I heard your girlfriend came to visit you last night." Torr raised his eyebrows. "I do understand."

"It's nothing to discuss," Toby changed his tone. "Anything mate?" Toby put down his script which he had already memorized them. I wish he doesn’t know how to read my mind. I'm such a mess inside.

"Three of us are going to make a surprise for Addy, for her birthday. This weekend." Torr said, smiling.

"Are you coming?"He asked.

"Me? Yeah, sure. Why not" Toby answered. He didn't want to look too excited but he has been looking forward to that day.

"Anna will help booking a place at Pizzeria Lobretto for 6 of us, including Alyssa. She said it is a vegetarian friendly restaurant and lots of vegan options." Torr explained.

"I heard about that Italian restaurant. Sounds interesting. I hope it does meet my expectations, " Toby said.

"Caitlin will bring the cake, and I'll buy her present - I've asked Alyssa." Torr gave out the plan.

"Then, what should I do? Poke my head into the restaurant?" Toby asked.

"Toby, you will be the one who bring her to the restaurant, " Torr said.

" Me?" Toby was alarmed.

"Yes, you are. For the plan to be working. Because you have a car, remember?" Torr said.

"Then, how four of you coming?" Toby asked.

"I'll get Alyssa at the airport that day. Caitlin and Anna will come separately. They have some girlie stuff before the dinner. And they will bring a cake, " Torr explained.

"Great then. She won't be suspicious, would she?" Toby asked.

"Unless you're such a big mouth then it won't be a surprise" Torr warned him.

"I'll do my best, big brother." Toby gave a funny face to Torr, like a child.

"Hey, what are doing to Torr?"Addy asked. She just arrived and sat next to Toby. She was wearing a white dress with some plait over her brown hair covering her chest.

"Nothing, really. Small fights between brothers." Toby said, cheerfully.

"Please share with me what are you fighting for... Hmmm.. How's your girlfriend?" She asked without looking at Toby as she was started reading her script. She didn't dare to see his face.

Toby didn't answer. He didn't want to discuss about another woman between him and Addy that very moment. He didn't even want to mention her name at all. He was scrolling his phone and then-

"Addy, do you have any plans for this Saturday night, by 8 pm?" Toby asked, whispering. The question caught Addy very much surprise. She stopped reading her script and look at him. His eyes was like an ocean. Smile like a early morning light.

"No, not at all. So far I don't have any plan. Probably I just stay at my apartment nearby," Addy said. She was surprised to see Toby's cheerfulness.

"Then, I'll pick you up by 5 pm, here. We'll go shopping at Square One or Vaughan Mall. Watch a movie? Then dinner? " Toby explained.

"Is that a date?" Addy asked.

"... As a friend, really." Toby lied. He wished it was a date between them. Partly.

"Remember, you paid for the fancy dinner last time in Ireland? Now this is my turn." Toby said. He's not good in lying in his real world.

"And I'm going to get a cat and I need your help. You're very good with Granma...Sorry, Ranma" Toby lied again. He has no intention to have any pet, even a cat.

"Really? I thought you're allergic to cat. Even Ranma doesn't like you, she almost scratch your hand every time you approach her, " Addy said.

"I wanted to try, a new relationship with a cat." He knew he lied over and over again. But he liked it, as long as Addy like it. Same interests.

"Ok. Right then. I'll help you, " Addy said." But you must serious in your decision. I promise you'll love your cat, "

The board of directors eventually came to the room and started the meeting. Addy still couldn't believe Toby's suggestions and all the plans for this weekend. She saw Toby was nervous but happier than before. What was really happened between him and his girlfriend? Why does he made this sudden move with her? A cat? That's quite surprising!

 What was really happened between him and his girlfriend? Why does he made this sudden move with her? A cat? That's quite surprising!

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To be continued...

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