Ten // New Beginnings.

Start from the beginning

"I was going to bring him up." I state in a matter of fact tone and Mia raises her eyebrows at me in curiosity. "Things are complicated."

"Okay but weren't they already complicated or did something happen that I don't know about?" I have to stop myself from scoffing because there was indeed a lot that she didn't know about.

"Don't be mad at me okay? but the last couple of months Calum and I have only publicly been together." I admit and watch a confused look take over my sisters features.

"So you've been broken up?"

"Yes." I reply simply and Mia frowns at me as she shakes her head. I know she was confused and I know she had questions but I don't think I would really be able to answer them the way she would want me to.

"I am so confused right now Everly." Mia states. "You've been broken up but still publicly together right?"



"That's just how it worked out okay? I don't really want to go in to all the details about the last couple of months because the last thing I won't to do is continue to relive the breakup." I explain and hope that Mia will accept that for an answer.

"Fine." Mia lets out an annoyed sigh and I am so relieved. "You said things are complicated so what did you mean?"

"Well we've been broken up and we've both been fine with the situation but we kind of slept together and then we talked and now we're thinking of maybe getting back together." I spit out rather quickly, hoping that Mia managed to get it all.

"You love him right?" Mia asks and I nod. "And I know he loves you so what is stopping you two?" That really was the million dollar question wasn't it? I know in Mia's head it seemed simple because she didn't know everything....or maybe it was that simple and I was just looking for excuses to not get back with Calum? Maybe I didn't want to give him the chance to break my heart again?

"A lot happened between us Mia and I just....I don't know what the two of us as a couple is going to be like now." I admit to her and feel a lump begin to form in the back of my throat. "What if it's too different? I feel like we've both changed and I don't know if we can work like we use to."

"Everly people change all the time, it's a part of life and I've already watched you and Calum grow an insane amount together as a couple, I know you two could probably do it again."

"I just feel stuck, I love him so much that it makes my heart ache but I don't know If we can be together." I swear I can feel my own heart breaking at my words but it was the truth. The damage had been done to us and to our relationship and I didn't know if we could pick up the broken pieces and rebuild what we once had.

"My honest opinion and I don't know if it will help you at all but you're probably only going to get your answer by trying again with Calum." Mia tells me bluntly and I really love her for it but it's hard to hear.

"And if we try again and it doesn't work?"

"Then at least you tried." Mia points out and I feel the tears begin to swell in my eyes. I don't know if I could handle another break up with Calum, I feel like it almost killed me the first time. "Everly, if you try again it probably will be different but that doesn't mean it's going to be a bad different, you two could be better than before but your aren't going to know unless you give both him and yourself another chance."

"I know you're right, I just....now that I've talked to you I think I need a day or two to just think over everything before I talk to Calum."

"Okay." Mia gives me a small smile as she stands from her chair and comes to give me a hug. "If you need anything you know Kai and I are both here for you."

"I know and Love you for it." I manage a small smile. "Thank you."

"What are sisters for?"


"I said we were going to have a night in but that didn't mean I was going to cook." Mia announces as she rejoins Kai and I, boxes of pizza in her hands.

"That's my wife right there." Kai states proudly and I can only smile at their cuteness. Kai had gotten home about two hours ago and those hours had mainly been spent catching up, like I said Kai was the brother I never had we had a lot in common so in turn we had a lot to talk about and catch up on since I hadn't seen him in months.

"You two are still so cute you know?"

"Oh we know." Kai chuckles. "It's posted online almost everyday....it's odd to be 'shipped' with someone don't you think?"

"I wouldn't say odd." I reply with a smirk. "Then again I'm younger than the both of you so the idea of shipping makes sense to me."

"Playing that age card huh?" Mia narrows her eyes at me and I nod because that's exactly what I was doing.

"At least you two are always 'shipped' together." I point out because they were some people who definitely shipped some interesting non-existent couples.

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