Part 1

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 The sun was shining brightly overhead without a cloud in sight, a usual summer day when living in Resembool. The autumn was cool, the winter was freezing, the spring was just right, and the summer was blazing. Though on this particular summer day, Winry was feeling hotter than usual.

She sat out on the porch of their house, fanning herself with her hand and smiling when the sun casted light off of her new ring. Yup, I'm married now! She thought this happily, while putting her hand out from under the shade of the porch and into the blinding sunlight, admiring it.

They had just gotten married a few months ago, six to be exact, and they were the best months of her life. Though, her husband did get on her nerves quite a lot, they were still the best months.

"Stop staring at that thing would you?"

Ah, there he was now, "Hmph, why should I? And don't call it 'that thing'!I like it, it's pretty, and therefore, I will admire it!" She turned to give Ed, now her husband, a teasing smile, intentionally making him blush. Neither of them said anything about it but, it was like a game they played. One would say something to cause the other to blush, making them feel embarrassed. They had teased each other since they were little but, it was different now that they were married.

"Well, I was the one who bought it." Ed spoke smugly as he sat down next to Winry on the porch steps. "What're you doing out here anyway?"

"It was way too hot inside! You didn't feel like you were baking in there?" She looked at him with incredulous eyes. It had felt like it was a hundred degrees inside of there and now that she thought about it, it really didn't feel all that different outside.

"Umm, no. It really isn't that hot, I would know since I have metal attached to me." Ed patted his leg while speaking, "Do you really feel that hot?"

She thought about this for a moment. He really doesn't feel how hot it is? Is it just me? Her thoughts were interrupted by a silhouette appearing down the road to their house.

"Well, hello you two love birds! Admiring the scenery are we?" Alphonse waved to them while nearing the house.

A deep scarlet blush came across Ed's face and he got up, still having the habit to back away from Winry when he was teased about their relationship.

"Well, the Automail Princess here says, it's way too hot to be inside so she came out here." Ed walked over to Al and gave a thump on the back, their usual greeting, and walked with him back over to the overheating Winry.

"Too hot?" Al questioned, "It's really not that hot today, and this has been one of the coolest days of the summer yet." He looked at Winry who seemed to be sweating bullets.

"Seriously?" Winry asked as she got up and gave Al a hug, "It feels like the hottest to me, and not just outside but inside too." She began fanning her shirt, her body feeling hotter now.

Al, feeling a bit worried, questioned Winry a bit further, "How long have you felt like this?"

"Hmm, maybe five or six days? I don't really know. I haven't kept track of it." She turned and grabbed Ed's hands, "Ed fan me too will you?" She now had four hands blowing air at her but it still wasn't enough.

"Ah screw it. I'm going to go down by the lake for a little while." She left Ed's hands in midair and began to walk down the path, mumbling that they were crazy for thinking that it wasn't hot today, "I'll be back soon okay!" She yelled back to them and disappeared down the hill.

"What do you think that was about?" Ed asked his brother as they walked back inside the house. Not waiting for Al's reply, he went to straight to the kitchen and opened the fridge, giving a look of detest to the milk carton before he pulled out Winry's lemonade.

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