Chapter 45

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A loud crash sounded from a couple of streets over, followed by a groan of pain. "You alright?" Launa called.

"Yeah, I'm fine," came Mitch's annoyed answer.

The three of them- Launa, Avi, and Mitch- had set out early in the morning to pick up empty bags and more supplies, slipping and sliding over piles of debris and clunking over the crumbling asphalt. Mitch had requested to go with, leaving Esther to stay and keep an eye on the house and keep Scott company. So far, the trip had been going relatively well, with only a couple of instances of slipping ad falling, like Mitch had just experienced.

It was really only a two person job, but the younger man had insisted on going, one way or another, and with both Avi and Launa worrying too much over whoever went without them, all three ended up going. "Esther's a tough gal," Mitch said as they wandered away from the house and down the street, "She'll hold down the fort." Launa didn't know whether or not to agree with that, and only did when she caught Avi nodded out of the corner of her eye.

They came across a grocery store, which was in what appeared to be mid-decay, with its ceiling beginning to cave in and the doors to collapse in on themselves. It did, however, look sturdy enough to hold for at least a few more weeks, if no one disturbed what fragile structure it had left. And with so small a hole to squeeze through, only the short Launa and and small-framed Mitch could fit, leaving Avi and his broader shoulders outside and grumbling, warning them to be careful.

"So," Launa started as they tried to locate cans and bottled water, "You and Scott have known each other for a long time?"

The young man hummed , glancing down aisles as they passed them. "Yup," he chirped, "We met in a play when we were 10. We've been best friends ever since." He paused for a moment, sucking in his cheeks as he thought. "We'll have been friends for about twelve years, this year."

She did the math real quick. "You guys are as old as I am?"

"You're suprised?"

She shrugged as they rounded the corner of an aisle, locating the canned goods. "I don't know," she responded, "I guess I just expected you all to be his age." She jabbed a thumb over her shoulder toward the entrance, indicating Avi.

"We're only a few years younger," Mitch said, setting some cans into his bag and kneeling on the floor to fit them all in as well as he could, "Does a few years really make that much of a difference?"

"It did, in high school," she snorted, "I guess three or four years doesn't matter once you hit twenty."

Mitch gave her a little smirk. "So, you met Avi by him getting you out from under a building," he turned to grin devilishly at her, "A little case of damsel in distress?"

Launa scoffed, screwing her face up in disgust at the very implication. "I'm no fuckin' damsel," she retorted, "I was stuck under a building with supplies to help me survive an apocalyptic event. Just because I couldn't lift it by myself, doesn't mean tha-"

"Okay, okay!" he stopped her, laughing, "I was just teasing! You are most definitely not a damsel type."

She paused for a moment, considering his words and blushing in slight embarrassment. "Thanks, I think?" He just giggled at her, poking a little fun at her for her blush and she waved him away, trying to ignore the childish, light-hearted teasing.

They moved from the canned goods and to the bottled water, stuffing it into the bags, freezing once or twice as the beams above them groaned in protest. They scurried toward the door. "Oh, wait, Red," Mitch stopped her, tugging on her sleeve, "Is there anything else you need?" She frowned and shook her head. "Are you sure?" He waggled his eyebrows at her as he gestured to the medicinal items, "Or are you two all stocked up?"

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