Chapter 43

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The three of them were still and silent for a long moment, and Launa looked on in shock.That’s Esther? Her wondering was confirmed as Esther’s weapon hit the ground with a wooden thunk, running at Avi and throwing her arms around him. He stepped onto sturdier ground and gripped his sister tight.

"You’re alive," the older woman murmured into his shoulder, fingers curling into his coat, shoulders shaking with suppressed tears, "Oh my gosh, you’re alive."

"So are you," he laughed quietly, rocking them slightly, "It’s so good to see you."

Esther stepped back, sweeping her gaze over her little brother and swallowing hard. “Don’t you dare tell Dad on me,” she laughed, jabbing a threatening finger at him. She glanced over at Launa, who was still somewhat hiding behind the debris, “Aw, Avi, you made a friend.”

Avi gave her a mock-annoyed glare before turning and offering the redhead his hand. “It’s okay,” he assured her, even as Launa gave him a dubious stare, “I promise. Come on.”

She peered around his shoulder, meeting Esther’s gaze for a moment and let him help her over the pile of rubble. “Hi,” she said, feeling horribly awkward, “Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt the reunion.”

The older woman shook her head, smiling crookedly in a way that reminded her of Avi. Lord, these guys are definitely related. “It’s all good,” she replied, shrugging, “We’ve got plenty of time to catch up- end of the world, and all.” She extended her hand to her. “Esther.”


The trio stood in awkward silence, shuffling awkwardly. This is fun.

"Why aren’t you in LA?" Avi asked his sister, breaking the quiet.

Esther laughed quietly, scratching the back of her neck. “Oh, that,” she started, “Scott, Mitch, and I had a layover in Phoenix when the first earthquake hit. We would have gotten farther, but Mitch got sick for a little while, and, well, Scott’s kinda laid out, right now.”

Avi’s eyes widened. “Scott and Mitch..?”

Launa watched the exchange, feeling very much like an audience member at a tennis match. As if on cue, the door of the house swung open, making the three of them whip theirs heads around. “Esther?” A quiet, relatively high-pitched, male voice emerged from the door, the young man peeking out from around the doorframe. His eyes popped open wide and, grinning, the new stranger practically flew out the door, down the steps, and directly at Avi. “Oh my God, Avi!” he cried, clutching him tight.

Esther and Launa stood off to the side, grinning- Esther in absolute joy and Launa in happy confusion- as the two men hugged. “You’re not sick, right?” Avi rumbled, his voice suddenly sounding much deeper in contrast to the younger man’s tenor pitch.

The other smacked him lightly on the back. “No, I’m not,” he snickered, grinning wide, “Oh my God, you’re okay!” Avi laughed as the black-haired young man smooched him noisily on the cheek. “Oh, you need a shave, Daddy.”

Avi pushed lightly at him. “You should talk, America,” he said, looking pointedly at the scruff on the other’s jaw.

He rolled his eyes and ran a hand over it. “I know. It’s awful, right?”


Esther crossed her arms, unable to stop grinning, but cleared her throat, catching the men’s attention and gesturing at the redhead beside her. The newcomer detached from Avi, gasping a little as his eyes landed on Launa, who was still standing uncomfortably and unsure of how to react to him. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” he apologized, reaching out to shake her hand, “Hi! I’m Mitch!”

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