Chapter Thirty-Six

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"I'd like to think that you actually learnt something new from that session, but I doubt it considering what I just saw," Blake said as he reached for a water bottle from within the fridge, chucking a second one toward me. "Those punches, god it was like a full grown man was battering me."

"Well what do you expect when it's Luke that's been teaching me?"

"He has nothing to be worried about that's for sure," he said. "I dread to think about how many bruises I'll have tomorrow."

"Don't tell me that I didn't warn you."

"Who would ever take someone seriously when they claim to have beaten Luke to a pulp?"

"He promised me that he wouldn't block," I defended.

"You probably bribed him with kisses or something," he mumbled, causing my eyes to roll. "But I just think you were extra cranky today because you've been without him for nearly six days."

"I'm coping just fine," I stated simply, trying to convince not only Blake but myself also. He raised his eyebrow, giving me a questioning glance as a smirk carved its way onto his face. "It's nice having some time to myself too, I guess."

"Give over Adelaide. You're desperate for him to come home," he continued to ridicule as I took a seat on the counter. "You've moped around for the past five days. The only productive thing you did was put together my case file."

"What am I meant to do around here? We're in the middle of nowhere for crying out loud. At least in New York I could pop out and about, but the towns like a thirty minute drive. Besides, we've trained a few times, that's productive right?"

"If you think giving me injuries that could quite possibly affect my physical state in the long term, productive, then yeah I guess it has been."

"Give over," I mocked his earlier words. "You'll be fine."

"Yeah I mean it's not as if I'm about to go and be part of a mafia group sometime within the next few weeks, so like you said, I should be fine."

"Aren't you trained for this shit or something?"

Blake let a heavy chuckle leaves his lips, "If anything, you're the one that appears to have been. Anyway, I should probably head off; they could be back anytime soon."

My attempt to hide the grin that was twitching at my senses was futile following Blake's reminder that the team, or more importantly Luke, would be returning back imminently. I hadn't lied when I'd said that I had been just fine without Luke's presence, but it was more than obvious that to say his absence had been noticed was an understatement. Whether it was simply making two cups of coffee as opposed to one or subconsciously walking to his office in search for his adorning smile, it was evident that I wasn't used to not having him around, and in all honestly, I missed him. Amidst his hectic schedule while out in Morocco, we had only had the opportunity to speak for a second time on the phone yesterday, which in itself was anything but private considering my father saw right through Blake's pleas to omit him from the room, so we were left to converse over their successful break in at Legrenzi's place.

"I haven't seen you this morning yet Adelaide," my attention was veered over to my mother as she entered the room, sending a small smile my way. "You haven't been at breakfast with us recently either."

"I had training with Blake," I explained, reciprocating a smile. "So I'm about to make something now. Do you want anything?"

"No thank you," she responded politely. "I should probably get something ready for when the boys come back, they'll all be starving."

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