7. terror.

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I update on weekends! I would either upload one or two chapters on the weekends, depending on how busy I was during the weekdays.

Please vote and comment and let me know how y'all feel!!

Enjoy! ~

Celeste kept getting blurry vision, "k-k-keep ...g-going..." she said as she struggled to grasp onto air. She could swear she almost felt her lungs collapsing but she didn't care. Death sounded better than torture for the rest of her how ever long life she has.

Luca let go and gave out a sinister chuckle that sent shivers through Celeste's body. "I already told you. I won't let you die this easily." and left.

Tears streamed down her face. How is she possibility going to live through this? Her fingers grazed her neck and it stung and burned like someone threw sizzling boiled water on it. It hadn't even been one day since the wedding and her life already turned miserable.

She takes a shower again, hoping maybe, just maybe, the shower would help her scrub the emotional and physical pain away. Newsflash, that didn't help with the emotional pain but did ease the physical pain.

After she came out of the bathroom, she goes back to the sitting area and picked up the Red Queen to read where she left off.

"Ahem," Luca cleared his throat. "I'll be leaving for a week for business purposes. Don't misbehave and meddle around." he continues, "Or else your punishments are going to become far worst..." his eyes darken.

Celeste didn't look up from her book, but she nods. And he left.

Celeste calls Asha.

*Phone Call*

A: Celeste! You finally called! I was getting worried!

C: ...

A: Celeste? Hello?

C: ...

A: Celestina?

C: *Lets out loud sobs*

A: Oh my God, Celeste, what happened? What did that fucker do?

C: I'm screwed, Ash. I'm goddamn screwed. My dad screwed over my whole life by marrying me off to this monster. *Continues crying*

A: Oh my, poor sweetheart... I'll be over ASA- wait, is he home?

C: No, he left for a business trip. He won't be back for a week. Please, Asha, please come over. I don't want to be here alone. Please... Celeste says as her voice cracks.

Asha's heart drops. Celeste wasn't a crier. She never cried in front of anyone because she hates worrying people. The only time she'll cry to someone was when she, herself, couldn't handle the burden of something. It broke Asha to pieces hearing Celeste's usually chirpy and excited voice so weak and hurt.

A: I'll be right there!!! TEXT ME THE ADDRESS, QUICK!

C: Okay. *texts the address*

A: Got it! I'll be there soon, byeeee!! DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP TOO MUCH, OKAY?? I'LL BE THERE!

*Call Ends*

With that, she hung up. Celeste smiled in happiness in which it felt like forever because of Asha's supportive words. Celeste always thought of herself as such a lucky gal for having a best friend like Asha, who's normal and the total opposite of her. That's what made her so great.


"Sir, we've captured the spies who were trying to destroy our alliance with Bianchi clan."

Chained To Him | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon