27. sacrifice.

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"Are you fucking crazy?" Dante asked Luca.

"I don't fucking care! This plan will work. Trust me on it." Luca said as he walked right in front of the entrance of the warehouse where Celeste was held.

"Are you sure you'll get out on time? Before the timer blows this place up?" Dante was getting anxious. This was a risky move.

"Yes, I will. Just shut up and follow the plan. Make sure our men clear the area 10 minutes before the timer goes off." Luca was getting impatient.

The plan was that Luca would hand himself over, then he'll be taken to Celeste because he knows Adriana will want to show him Celeste in person. That's where he'll set Celeste free and hopefully himself as well.

There were two men who were on each side of Luca holding his arms behind his back.

"Well, well, well, didn't think you'd be so empty in the head to just walk into here without backup." Adriana said.

Luca was too focused on Celeste. She had the same doe-eye innocent look she always had, even after looking like she's been through hell, she looked beautiful.

He was raging that she had to go through this because of him. She was already suffering because of him but she had to go through a lot more because of something in his past. He didn't hate himself more than he did at that moment. I couldn't protect her.

"Boys," Adriana said to Ethan and Paul, "do your thing. But the guy goes first because I want to see him suffer before I leave for my meeting."

They nodded and took out blades and guns.

They had Luca's hands and feet bound. Luca knew he had to play along until Adriana was out of sight. He was prepared to take any kind of torture she had ready for him.

"Wait, what do you mean? What are you going to do to him?" Celeste was petrified, not for herself but for Luca. She wouldn't be able to watch him hurt.

Adriana had a poisonous smile plastered on her face and nodded at the two men to begin.

It started off with punches at Luca's face, he didn't flinch. His lips were bleeding, there were cuts on his face from the contact of their fists to his face.

Celeste was screaming in the back for them to stop. She was begging and pleading but Luca looked at her and said, "It's okay. I deserve this. Just look away, Celeste."

As Ethan took out his blade to stab Luca's chest, Celeste ran to stand in between them but Ethan had already plunged his blade towards the target. However, the blade had sunken deep into Celeste's collarbone. At first, the act of it numbed her and she didn't fee anything for the first few seconds. But as the pain kicked in, she screamed in agony. She was quickly becoming pale from losing too much blood too quickly.

"I can't- I w-won't let y-you hurt him." Celeste barely managed to say in between her ragged breaths. She was getting dizzy and losing her balance.

Ethan looked a little surprised that Celeste took the plunge for Luca. He looked at Adriana for further instructions.

"Fine, if she's going to be like this, continue on with her." Adriana smirked.

"No, don't you dare fucking touch her!" Luca yelled.

"It's okay, Luca. You need to live. You have a family to live for. Me on the other hand, lost mine. I don't have anything to lose at this point." Celeste gave him a small smile.

"NO! CELESTE! STOP! YOU CANT LET THEM DO THIS TO YOU! " Luca was begging Celeste to fight back but he knew that she was the type of soul to take on others' pain and bear it herself. "Please, fight for me, please."

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