3. kiss.

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The party is starting and all Celeste could think about was how she's getting engaged to not just any total stranger, the most dangerous type of total stranger tonight.

She was about to lose her mind.

"Hey, ready to g– holy shit your face is full of sweat.  I JUST DID YOUR MAKEUP THOUGH." Asha is in total panic mode.

"Do I look like I care? I'm about to be sold off to the most horrible human being, or monster, alive. My makeup can wait." Celeste was not ready for any of this.  She's only 17.  Can you blame the poor girl?

Asha quickly pats off the sweat and sets the makeup with powder.  "Okay, listen.  The key to at least making it work with him is to not look like you're about to shit your pants because that means he has control over you."


Suddenly Asha puts her hand on Celeste's cheek, "Maybe you could make him love you... He's human after all.  He has to have feelings hidden somewhere..."

Celeste bursts out laughing "ya right. of course. the skull crushing, murderous dude who doesn't think twice before killing is 'human' and has feelings.  The man probably doesn't even know what feelings mean."

"Okay.  Enough talking.  We have a party to attend." Asha takes Celeste by the hand and they head towards the ballroom.

The party was lavish.  It had every Italian dish you can name.  Seriously, you name it, and it's there.  Of course they couldn't forget the chocolate fountain.  It might not be Italian but Celeste gotta have her chocolate fountain.

She caught the attention of most male attendees at the party.  Her mom had picked out a one shoulder strap red dress. There was a long slit to make her left leg really visible. And she paired the dress with gold pointed heels. She hated it. It made her uncomfortable but she didn't have a choice

All the attention from the guests (specially the male guests, wooooo) made her feel uncomfortable because she hated attention and of course, she hated parties or social events in general. She'd rather be in her room watching YouTube or reading a good book.

"I have announcement to make." Celeste's father gets the attention of the crowd. "Celestina, my dear, come here."

Celeste could feel her stomach knotting. She didn't even realize that she was holding onto Asha's hand so tight that her poor friend's hand turned a dark shade of red. Asha mouthed ow while looking at her and Celeste mouthed back sorry.

Celeste stands beside her father. "As you all know, my sweet daughter has turned 17 today." Que the claps and cheers. "But today we are not just celebrating her birthday, we are also going to celebrate the joining of two families; the Caros and the Battaglias." Everyone looked a bit confused. "My daughter, Celestina Caro, is to be engaged to Luca Battaglia today." And the crowd went wild. The cheers and applause of people that Celeste barely knew filled the room. These people are a bit too happy for someone they probably talked to once or never in their whole life, Celeste thought to herself.

Luca came on stage with Dante holding the box with the ring in it. He looked at Celeste and whispered, "ready to bind yourself to me?"

In Celeste's head she said oh, hell naw. But in real life she didn't say a single word. Didn't nod or shake her head. She let Luca slide the ring on her left hand ring finger. The guests raised their champagne glasses and cheered for the couple. But Celeste was completely miserable and the miserableness was totally visible on her face.

Out of the blue, Luca kissed her. Celeste didn't have time to react but she could tell her face was shocked. The kiss wasn't a soft and sweet. It was a forced harsh kiss. She could almost feel him biting her lip. Celeste thought her lips were going to end up bruised and bloody for sure. To make things even worse, she could feel his hands traveling down her body sending fireworks through her. She could feel herself melt during the kiss. He even tried to take this a step further by shoving his tongue into her mouth but she wouldn't let him.

She quickly broke off the kiss by pushing him away and put a finger to her stinging lip, "what the fuck was that all about?" Celeste isn't the swearing type. In fact, she rarely swears. She was just so surprised that it just happened. She was trying to smile to not let any of the guests see her shock.

Luca smirked. "Gotta make the everyone think this is real."

And he left her and her banged up lip just like that.

Asha and Beatrice came running towards her, "WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED." Both said in unison.

"Well, I just lost my first kiss to a douchebag."

"That was fucking insane. Oh my God. Do you want us to beat him up for you? We'll do it." Asha says and Beatrice nods.

"Don't swear in front of my little sister!! And uh, I don't think I wanna see my best friend and sister dead any time soon so no, it's okay."

"True. I don't think I have a death wish right now either. I'll beat him up when I do." Asha laughs but stops midway, "Is your lip bleeding...? OH MY GOD. CELESTINA, YOUR LIP! IT'S FUCKING BLEEDING. HOW THE FUCKING HELL DID HE KISS YOU? WITH BROKEN SHARDS OF GLASS OR SOMETHING???"

Celeste put a finger on her lip and could see blood on it. How on earth was she suppose to be married him for the rest of her life? This wasn't even the worst of what was coming...

What do you guys think so far??

I love writing Asha's lines. lol. She's so perky.

I should be studying for exams... omggg. But hey, I love writing so I'm here. ;)


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