|ChApTeR TwEnTy oNe| Reunited

Comenzar desde el principio



I quickly rubbed my arms, attempting to tame the chills that I suddenly felt along my skin.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

"Are you...Are you hurt somewhere?"


"!......No, I'm not hurt at all."

'Here we go again with the long pauses that tell us that you're obviously lying.

"I see. I'm sorry for asking such a strange question." Japan said as Italy began to walk out the door. 

Once he walked out, I immediately relaxed. Thoughts flew through my head. Japan had definitely hit a nerve somewhere in Italy. The memories he got must've had something to do with what Italy was planning. 

I continued to let my thoughts storm through my mind, trying to fit the pieces together. I walked out the door, heading toward the basement, when someone's hand grabbed my shoulder. 

I spun around and met Canada's violet eyes staring right back at me. "Oh, Canada. Do you need anything?"

"Not really." He retracted his hand from my shoulder, awkwardly shifting in place. "U-Um, about the people who disappeared. Do you have any clue as to where they are?"

"...Huh. Now that I think about it, no, I unfortunately don't. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just wondering." Canada gave a small sigh and looked at me sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm a bit frustrated."

"Don't worry, I am too. I don't know America and France, but I met Prussia." I frowned slightly. 

I've been so preoccupied with interpreting why Italy was acting so suspiciously that the thought of Prussia completely slipped my mind. Letting myself think about it for a few seconds made me notice the little things I missed about him. His weird laugh. His wide, radiant grin tinted with mischief. How, with just saying a few sentences, he could make the atmosphere lighter and the mood brighter. Having two practically emotionless people and another acting weirdly suspicious, I realized that I need someone like Prussia by my side.

But he's not by my side at the moment. 

"I actually feel kind of guilty now that you mention it." I breathed out a sigh of my own, looking down at my feet. After a short pause filled with silence, I glanced up to see Canada looking back at me as if he were expecting something. "Oh. You're probably wondering why. Well me, Italy, Prussia, Germany and Japan were settling down to get some rest. I volunteered to take the first watch. I...I don't really want to go into detail but something happened and I was a little shaken up. Though I wanted the others to get their rest, Prussia offered to take my spot and he insisted, so I let him. When we woke up...he was gone." I explained. When I finished, I saw Canada looking at me sympathetically. 

"I don't think that's your fault, (Name). Prussia was just trying to help you, and knowing him, he's so stubborn that he wouldn't rest until you gave in."

"You know him?"

"I know all three of them personally. Prussia is a friend of mine, France is like a papa to me, and America is my brother."

"Really? What are they like, America and France?" I curiously asked.

Canada laughed softly as he walked alongside me. "It's hard to describe those two. You'll see when we find them."

"And we will find them. We'll soon be reunited with them soon, I have a feeling.  So don't worry too much, okay?" I smiled, playfully bumping his arm with my elbow.

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora