t h i r t y - o n e | part 2

Start from the beginning

Zeke sighed a little. "Senaya was an amazing jazz singer. She used to sing at the little clubs up there in Chicago. That's how she met my dad. He would go out and listen to the music just because he enjoyed. He saw her on stage one night and the rest is history."

"That's different. Explains alot about her, though." Naomi looked at him. Zeke pondered on what she meant by that. "Black people are so diverse, though. It amazes me, never ceases to. Jazz, hip hop, rap, r&b, rock n roll. We really created entertainment and perfected it."

"True." Zeke agreed. "Who is your favorite jazz artists?"

"Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Nina Simone, Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong."

He smiled at her. "Louis Armstrong is my favorite. So live and upbeat. I have all of those that you mentioned in my collection, though."

"I seeee." She picked up a record and looked at it. "I love this one. It's so.. mellow."

Zeke looked at it, reading In A Sentimental Mood by Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. He grabbed the record and placed it on the turntable. Naomi watched as he fiddled with it before the record began to play.

"I'm ready now. I got music." Naomi joked.

Zeke chuckled, and nodded. "Okay, well the first few shots is just basic headshots." He fixed her hair to his liking, all while soaking up her natural beauty. It had to be a crime for someone to be this angelic.

Naomi never took her eyes off of him while he did so. He was dressed down, down from his usual wear. He sported a plain, black long-sleeved shirt, light denim jeans with a black pair of male UGGS on his feet. A gold chain resided on his neck and a dad hat was on his head to hide his need for a haircut.

Maybe she hadn't realized it before, but he looked vulnerable. More than he had ever did. The suit definitely makes him into a person that he created.

"Do you like being a CEO?" She asked, suddenly feeling the urge to ask the question.

He looked at her, wondering where the question came from all of a sudden. No charming smile appeared on his face. Nothing assuring. Except the look of doubt and uneasiness appeared on his face. He knew the answer to the question, but saying it aloud would change alot.

"Yeah, I do." He lied, forcing the charming smile. But, Naomi read right through it.

She looked in his eyes and eventually smiled back. "Hm, I'll be the judge of that."

Naomi moved from in front of him to the seat that was there for her. Zeke cleared his throat and grabbed his camera. "Just relax." He instructed.

The album A Love Supreme by John Coltrane began to play on the turntable and Naomi moved in her seat a little. "One of my favorite albums of all time." She told him.

"Mine too." He looked at her, and snapped a test shot. He positioned her head the way he needed it to be before placing the camera up to his face.

Once he got the shot he wanted, he snapped the picture. Looking at the preview, he held an approving smile on his face. "How does it look?" She asked.

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