World War III was the last ground war, which lasted seven years until the UFE conquered or won over those left alive on their dying planet. Gregori, who led the forces, swiftly became their salvation and formed the UFE as the new Chief Commander.

"And why did they come to Earth?"

"To conquer us by giving us a fake device to restore our planet. Instead, it wiped out the Pacific Ocean and killed billions around the world."

"And this whole time—for eighty years—we've been fighting against the mastermind of all their attacks." He slammed the glass on the globe so hard it cracked the base. "If it wasn't for Zephyrus, we would have won this Interstellar War by now."

Zephyrus was the Primordial's Head Advisor. His name had been ingrained in Ava's head since the day she picked up a sword. Although she'd never seen a picture of him—because no picture existed—there was this deep, undeniable hatred in her, mirroring Gregori's blackened heart.

"Do you know why it's said he's the most brilliant being alive?" Gregori asked, a dark tent to his cold, hard gaze. It chilled Ava to the bone. "Because he's the god of wisdom."

Josh dragged a hand through his mohawk, trying to make sense of Gregori's confession. Like Ava, he'd always looked up to Gregori. To hear their fearless leader had been keeping such a big secret was Earth shattering. Ava thought about all the reasons why he'd kept this secret, but it was hard. She couldn't justify his reasoning.

Ava summoned the Bō. The weight was just as heavy as during her fight. She used to think of this as a tool to help protect her planet, but after today, it felt more like a weapon used to wage war. A weapon that shouldn't exist, but without it, she wouldn't exist either.

"So then you must know I'm using a god's weapon to fight with." Ava stepped closer, shoving it towards him. "What exactly am I? Why did you really create me!"

Gregori took hold of the obsidian metal. His thick fingers squeezed it without mercy under his muscular build like he was trying to break it. "I have searched high and low on this planet for your birth record, but there is no data left. I have no answers for you."

She wasn't expecting to get an answer, but she was disappointed, regardless. "Then get me inside that laboratory. Maybe there's information in there that you missed. I have to at least try looking for myself."

He didn't waver from her hard gaze, and the longer they stared at each other, an unspoken challenge settled between them. She refused to back down any longer, not when she was this close to uncovering the truth.

Josh's cell phone rang, cutting their conversation short. The hard rock tune blared against the shelves in an encore of shouts. He picked it up, silently listened to the caller until the line disconnected.

"They spotted Gio and Mika. And it looks like Mika is severely wounded." His heavy boots slapped the concrete floor in hurried strides, mimicking Ava's heart. "They're heading back home."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, eager to leave, which was unusual for him.

"This conversation does not leave this room. Is that understood? We can't lose the public's trust during this critical time," Gregori said.

Josh and Ava saluted. "Yes, sir."

"Good, you are dismissed." He gave back the Bō, but wouldn't let it out of his tight grip just yet. "And, Avalyn. I created you from the idea of giving our people hope, and you have excelled passed my expectations. You have become your own person. But if you keep chasing the stars... you will find yourself at the end of a sword."

Ava practically yanked the Bō out of his grip before he let go. He gave them one final order. "If anything suspicious arises with our new guests, report back to me."

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