Awh Hell Nah (Can I Pretend To Be Ace)

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He smirked at me and pushed me against a wall. I swallowed hard and lied right to his face.
"... I'm on my period." He backed up, and replied, "Well we could still make out." Shit.  I forgot that was something people actually do.
"Can't we just, like, hug?" I whined.
And then he kissed me for the second time in a week. I panicked. What should I do? Push him away? Scream? Kiss back? Or should I just pinch myself and pray that this is a dream? I kissed back. I let him have his way, well... sort of, and we were still making out when Frank came in to say that it had been ten minutes. I blushed and pulled my shirt back on over the tank top I'd been wearing.

"The next game," announced Mikey, "is spin the bottle." I rolled my eyes.
"Who's playing?" He asked. Finally! A chance to opt out!
"Everyone." Frank replied. Fuck you, Frank.
"I don't wanna play." I said. "I wanna take pictures of all the kissing." Everyone groaned, saying that they only wanted to play because I was there and the opportunity to kiss a girl who wasn't their girlfriend was, to them, a great thing.
"Fine, but you can't make me enjoy it."

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