Back To Dreamland I Go...

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Okay. So it was all a dream. Except that Brendon guy getting wrecked. That was real. At the sight of that kid covered in blood, I passed out, according to Frank. Gerard carried me to the nurse's office.
I woke up surrounded by the five of them. Bob looked scared. Gerard was just smirking. It was really creepy. Ray... he still looked hungry. Frank was busy on his phone. Mikey was trying to flirt with the nurse.
"Sugar... you're awake!" Smiled Gerard. Frank looked up. Bob was still looking nervous. Ray sneezed. Mikey didn't stop flirting with the nurse.
"We missed you! You were out for two hours!" Gee smirked.
I rolled my eyes.
"During your little... nap... you kept saying my name over and over." He laughed. The blood rose to my cheeks.
"Shit." I mumbled.
"You did, it was kinda funny. You'd roll over and just say, 'Gerard quit it!'  Or something. We made it a game. I'd poke you and then Gee would. Whoever got the best reaction won." Said Frank, who was still glued to his phone.
Mikey was still flirting with the damn nurse. The nurse, however, was ignoring him.
"Anyone got an icepack? I think princess over here's gonna need one for that ankle." Said Ray.
"Oh yeah, when I was carrying you over here, I fell over and twisted my ankle. Bobby over there caught you." Smiled Gerard.
I shrunk backwards into the cot.
"Could I maybe get my jacket back?" Asked Gee. I realized that the blanket was not,  in fact, a blanket but a nice, black  leather jacket.
"Uh, sure..." I mumbled and handed Gerard his jacket back.
"Thanks, sweet pea." He smirked.
"Ooh, sweet pea... I should name my new dog sweet pea." Added Frank.
"Did anyone realized that I called Gerard a princess earlier?" Asked Ray. Everyone turned.
"Yeah, and, has anyone noticed that the new girl has made  Ray a lot more talkative, and Bobby a lot quieter?" Sassed Gee.
"Oh damn." Me, Frank and Mikey exclaimed.
"Damn straight." Smirked Gerard, looking directly at me.
"Yeah, damn the straights. Always assuming genders and shit." Frank screeched.
"Well fuck you too, dude." Ray laughed.
I was hella confused.

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